Monday, September 23, 2019

Electromagnetic Frequency Health Effects

electromagnetic frequency health effects

Does electromagnetic frequency (EMF) have a long-term impact on overall wellness? 

Have you ever worried about how constant exposure to wireless mobile devices or microwave ovens can affect your health?

But first: What is electromagnetic frequency?

Electromagnetic radiation is a kind of energy. It is omnipresent and takes many forms like X-rays, gamma rays, radio waves, microwaves, and even sunlight. Electromagnetic waves are formed when “an electric field coupled with a magnetic field.”

The distance between two consecutive peaks of a wave is called the wavelength. Frequency refers to the number of waves that are created at any given length of time. It is measured in hertz (Hz) which is the number of wave cycles per second.

According to Dr. Lodi, electromagnetic frequency has a definite impact on our health. He explained, “There is no space between us that’s not filled with electromagnetic frequencies. Everything is electric.

Humans are electromagnetic beings. Now, here we are being bombarded, bathing and breathing with all these unnatural frequencies, so of course, they have an impact on our health.”

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are mainly categorized as high-frequency or low- to mid-frequency. The former includes x-rays and gamma rays. High-frequency fields are in the ionizing radiation part of the electromagnetic spectrum and “extreme doses” within a short period can damage internal organs and tissues.

Low- to mid-frequency EMFs include radio waves, static fields, microwaves, infrared radiation, magnetic fields, and visible light. They are in the non-ionizing part of the spectrum. 

Dr. Thomas Lodi explains how EMF’s are having a negative effect on our health

The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that, while short-term exposure to electromagnetic fields is normal and inevitable, exposure to higher levels may be harmful and can trigger biological effects.

A multidisciplinary research effort was conducted in 1996 to address a growing concern over the impact of exposure to a continuously growing number of electromagnetic field sources. The study concluded that then-current evidence shows that there are no health consequences from exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields like those produced by daily-use electrical appliances or mobile phones. However, WHO also noted there are still “gaps in knowledge about biological effects” which requires further research.

As more people, and society in general, become heavily dependent on wireless technologies and electrical devices, Dr. Lodi adds that the “ultimate consequences” will eventually be revealed in the next two or three decades. “We are just finding out about more cases of brain tumors specifically in the auditory canal.

Whether this is directly related or not, we’ll know soon as more studies are conducted. But until then, it is important to practice lifestyle changes that promote long-term health and true wellness.”

Dr. Lodi is also the founder of Arizona-based An Oasis of Healing—an alternative cancer treatment center based on an integrative and holistic healing protocol. The clinic has a comprehensive cancer care program that utilizes the most effective natural treatments and therapies that do not harm the body.

The post Electromagnetic Frequency Health Effects appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Why ATP Is Called The Currency Of Energy

Why ATP Is Called The Currency Of EnergyWhy ATP is called the currency of energy or the currency of life.

Understanding how the body works is an important aspect of holistic and sustainable health. To truly take charge of our health, it is crucial to know how our body processes the food we consume and how it translates to vital functions and output. In a new video, integrative oncology and metabolic medicine expert Dr. Thomas Lodi talks about adenosine triphosphate or ATP aka the “currency of energy.”

“An ATP is everything from bacteria to lizards to oak trees to elephants,” he said. “Adenosine triphosphate is three phosphates. Phosphate is just a molecule. The last molecule is connected to the second one by high energy. So, what happens is whatever needs that energy will grab an ATP and pull off that phosphate, and it releases all this energy in the form of electrons.”

When energy is released from the ATP molecule, it becomes adenosine diphosphate (ADP) because one of the phosphate-oxygen group is removed. The ADP is then ‘recycled’ in the mitochondria, also known as the power generators of the cell, and comes out again as ATP.

Dr. Lodi adds that, for a cell to function, it needs approximately one billion ATP at any given second. He added, “We have approximately 100 trillion cells in our body, and they all need one billion ATP. The reason they do is that in our bodies, every second, that need is a number so very large, it’s a 1 with 21 zeroes behind it. That is the number of chemical reactions that are going on inside of our body every second.”

ATP is the Currency of Life

A chemical reaction is what happens when “chemical bonds between atoms are formed or broken.” Reactants are the substances that go into a chemical reaction while the substances created as a result of the reaction are called products.

According to Dr. Lodi, all chemical reactions are “enzyme-mediated.” He explained, “In every aspect of biology is enzymes. Even oxygen leaving a red blood cell to go into the tissues where it’s needed, you need an enzyme called 2,3-DPG. If you don’t have that, the oxygen is not going to leave.”

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are proteins which are also sometimes called catalysts because of their role in starting or speeding up a reaction. Interestingly, enzymes themselves are unchanged by the chemical reaction.  Without enzymes, cells will be unable to access the energy stored in molecules because enzymes lower the amount of energy required for a chemical reaction, thus enabling the cells to function properly.

“Our bodies are incredible and more often than not, we are unaware of it, and we take it for granted,” Dr. Lodi noted. “We have the ability to heal naturally and to nurture our bodies towards true health and wellness. Learning how our body works is a crucial first step to maximizing our bodies’ full potential.”

Want to learn more? Read through this blog, watch Dr. Lodi’s video lecture series or book a consultation for a more personalized discussion about your health.

The post Why ATP Is Called The Currency Of Energy appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.