Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dr. Thomas Lodi: How the Power of Mind Can Influence Healing

Dr. Thomas Lodi: 
Placebo Effect
How the Power of Mind Can Influence Healing

Healing is innate - it is the nature of nature. 

The mind is very powerful in healing. 

Watch my video to find out what is considered a placebo effect and how the power of mind influences healing?

Dr. Thomas Lodi:
Integrative Oncology | Metabolic Medicine | Certified Nutrition Specialist | Philosopher

Monday, June 22, 2015

Dr. Thomas Lodi: Heal Cancer Naturally: Jessica Langel's Story Part 3

Heal Cancer Naturally - Jessica Langel's Story Part 3

Credit: Beth Ryan

Beth Ryan's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc1AMw1o4MI

Beth Ryan's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bethryan

Dr. Thomas Lodi teaches people how to change the body's biochemistry to a state of health and well-being so the cancer will no longer grow and flourish.

Dr. Thomas Lodi:
Integrative Oncology | Metabolic Medicine | Certified Nutrition Specialist | Philosopher

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dr. Thomas Lodi: What is Health?

Dr. Thomas Lodi: 
What is Health?

"Health is not an absence of something...it is actually a presence of something.  Dr. Lodi's musings on Health..." - Dr. Thomas Lodi

Dr. Thomas Lodi:
Integrative Oncology | Metabolic Medicine | Certified Nutrition Specialist | Philosopher

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Dr. Thomas Lodi: Is Cancer a Fungus?

Dr. Thomas Lodi: Is Cancer a Fungus?

Funghi and human cells are not the same…different DNA.
After the embryonic period, all cells (except stem cells) become differentiated into specific cells, such as liver or heart or skin, etc. 
One of the hallmarks of malignant transformation is loss of differentiation (de-differentiation) so that a “poorly differentiated” cancer cell no longer has any of the features of the original tissue, such as liver or heart of skin, etc.
Specific applications of heat (hyperthermia) to cancer cells can stimulate “re-differentiation”…that is, they can once again differentiate into their original form as a liver or heart or skin cell.
This is also what vitamin D does when the body has adequate levels – it produces re-differentiation.
Since funghi and human cells have different DNA, a fungus cannot become a human cell under any circumstances…so, if cancer were a fungus, then the process of re-differentiation could not happen, but it does…hence, cancer is NOT a fungus.
Since cancer cells and fungal cells have the same metabolic requirements, they coexist – wherever you have cancer, you will most likely find fungal cells living in symbiosis with them.
Eliminating the funghi actually reduces the cancers’ strength by removing the protection afforded it by fungal organisms.

Dr. Thomas Lodi:
Integrative Oncology | Metabolic Medicine | Certified Nutrition Specialist | Philosopher

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Dr. Thomas Lodi: BRCA Gene and Epigenetics

Dr. Thomas Lodi

BRCA Gene and Epigenetics

There has been a major debate between modern and traditional medicine.
Chicken or egg…which one produces the other? Mind or behavior…does the mind determine behavior, or is it a consequence of behavior?
Epigenetics or Genetics…which one determines genetic expression? The original program of the DNA or the environment in which the genes exists?
As most people know, Angelina Jolie had both of her breasts surgically removed even though there was absolutely no sign of breast cancer in either breast at that time. She already planned to have both of her healthy ovaries removed, as soon as she has recovered sufficiently from the first surgery.

Clearly, those promoting the genetic side of the argument have been more convincing than those promoting the epigenetic perspective.
I wrote an article that has been published on Natural Health News website and it goes in depth on this topic.
You will learn about:
  • what BRCA genes are
  • normal cellular functioning
  • what happens when the environment is toxic
  • what is Cancer and much more…
Dr. Thomas Lodi:
Integrative Oncology | Metabolic Medicine | Certified Nutrition Specialist | Philosopher

Monday, June 15, 2015

Dr. Thomas Lodi: Critical Questions You Must Ask Your Oncologist

Dr. Thomas Lodi: 

Critical Questions You Must Ask Your Oncologist

Cancer is never localized…it’s never in one spot…even when it is undetectable, there are multiple micro metastases (satellite ‘seeds’).

Once a cluster of tumor cells reaches 1 million in number, it begins to travel through the extra-cellular matrix and connective tissue into lymph and blood vessels so that by the time it is detectable, at around 1 billion cells, it has been doing that for at least 1 or 2 years.

So, even if the conventional approach with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation is successful and actually gets rid of the primary detectable tumor or tumors, this type of military assault has no effect on cancer stem cells, which can repopulate previous tumor sites and find new fertile ground.

So you must ask some critical questions of your oncologist:

  • If you successfully eliminate all of my detectable tumors, then what?
  • What is likely to happen?
  • How do I successfully prevent recurrence?
  • Is there any chance that the approach you are suggesting, may increase the likelihood of recurrence?
  • Does surgery ever spread cancer cells?
  • What effect does general anesthesia have on my immune system and liver?
  • How often does radiation cause significant problems and dysfunction?
  • What area of integrative oncology have you studied adequately in order to give me valid options regarding an alternative to the approach you are suggesting?

Dr. Thomas Lodi:
Integrative Oncology | Metabolic Medicine | Certified Nutrition Specialist | Philosopher