Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Shortage Of Oncologists And Why That’s Not A Bad Thing

A Shortage Of Oncologists

This study reports on why there is a shortage of Oncologists I share my thoughts on this.

This study on a shortage of oncologists featured on the ASCO Post website is interesting but not as interesting as a study would be if it was designed to find out why cancer is increasing at such alarming rates. If cancer increasing at alarming rates could be understood then we might just eliminate those reasons and send all of our brightest minds to organic agriculture schools and naturopathic colleges or TCM or Ayurvedic programs to become practitioners of health rather than “disease”.

“Disease” is a myth that has been propagated upon the population for over 100 years now and serves as the principle upon which the medical model is based. We are born in hospitals (childbirth = “disease”) and begin receiving pharmaceutical concoctions on day 1.

We are then scheduled to follow up with physicians (pediatricians) at regular intervals. Parents, educators, legislators and those campaigning for public office (especially president), make it one of their primary concerns/promises to ensure that everyone has “disease insurance”, which is euphemistically referred to as ‘health insurance’.

We seek medical insurance because we are planning on becoming ill. One of the greatest lies ever perpetrated upon the human race is that ‘health is impossible and disease is inevitable’.

By the time we sit at our desks in 1st grade, we will have had > 28 vaccinations, antibiotics, decongestants, cough suppressants, anti-nausea, and diarrhea/constipation medications if we are relatively “healthy”. And now begins the process of ‘good citizen’ programming.

Unfortunately, those children who resist being placed in unnatural situations and follow their instincts to play and explore the world around them receive a diagnosis that requires more mediation that will subdue them and allow them to be chemically fit to attend school. Some children might be put on these drugs before they ever reach first grade since symptoms of ADHD very typically begin to appear between the ages of 3 and 6 years of life.

The Entire Medical System is Based on “Sickness Management” Rather Than Maintaining or Restoring Health

By the time a child reaches puberty, they are veteran medication consumers and everybody has a doctor. In fact, if you don’t have a doctor people consider you strange and cavalier or frivolous and irresponsible.

The lives of the modern “civilized” human being are centered around being sick. As a person progresses through life, they acquire more and more diagnoses, which are merely justifications for prescribing drugs (poisons).

Let us consider for a moment why we become so ill since clearly we were not fitted by nature to become dysfunctional early in life. Well, the root of all this is that humans do not think they are part of nature so they have built artificial environments in which to live and produce and eat “food” that is also artificial rather than natural.  The problem is that we are part of nature and are subject to her laws hence our bodies adapt and these adaptations are called “diseases”.

A Shortage of Oncologists Creates An Opportunity to Turn Sickness Management Towards Maintaining and Restoring Health

Cancer is the adaptation at its finest. These cells have adapted to a situation where their fundamental modality of producing energy in order to function has been damaged significantly requiring them to produce energy in a very primitive manner. These cells actually are reduced to fermenting sugar in order to survive….much like microorganisms.

And, the medical model says that this adaptation is a “disease”, a horrible “disease” that must be eliminated at all costs. Therefore a war ensues between the “general”(doctor), the “soldiers” (nurses and technicians) and the adaptive fermenting cells (“cancer”).

This horrific battle takes place on the body of the unfortunate person who has already been poisoned from the day of conception. We now have two generations of mothers and fathers who were also victims of this tragic drama called modern civilization, based upon the medical model.

Most people die from the “treatment”, not the adaptive response of the body….not the cancer or the heart attack or the stroke. Let us not train more oncologists, let us make sure that they are no longer necessary.

Link to original article here that prompted my response in this article.

The post A Shortage Of Oncologists And Why That’s Not A Bad Thing appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Where Does B12 Come From?

B12 Is It Vegan?

Where does B12 come from and is it vegan?

First of all, it needs to be understood that B12 production in nature only occurs in prokaryotes which is bacteria.

Nowhere else in nature is B12 produced. Therefore, we must get away from the false idea that eating an animal, or an animal product will provide us with B12 because the animals produce it. The fact is either the animal either ingested B12 and/or bacteria while they were eating.

Keep in mind that animals always have their mouths on the ground while eating. Hence, soil-based bacteria and feces loaded with bacteria are always entering their mouths.  Additionally, animals may have bacteria in their upper gastrointestinal tracts, which produce B12 and then absorbed into their blood.

The main reason that most animals have B12 is a result of them eating their own feces. This is true especially of cows that are grazing but it is also true of dogs and elephants, etc.

It is important to note that we have bacteria that produce B12 in our intestines however, they reside in our colons, hence we cannot absorb it. B12 is absorbed only in the last part of the small intestine, called the ileum. Since the colon is distal to, i.e., downstream of the ileum, the B12 produced there cannot be absorbed.

Large-scale industrial production of B12 occurs via microbial fermentation predominately using three different bacterial species. There are 7+ species of anaerobic and aerobic species of bacteria that produce B12 naturally.

B12 where does it come from the answer is Bacteria!

The question about whether or not a “manmade” supplement can be used (bioavailable) by the body is being put forth due to a misunderstanding. B12 is never manmade. It requires the metabolic machinery of bacteria to be produced.

It is fine to use B12 supplements as they are vegan/vegetarian.  The only other alternative of actually obtaining B12 is not a favorable one for the majority of humans. It would require eating your own feces.

In conclusion, this leaves us with the two basic alternatives of either eating the corpse of an animal who did eat their own feces, or we can grow the bacteria that produce B12 to do so and then encapsulate it for oral use or prepared for injection.

A very interesting phenomenon occurs in some people. Studies coming from India where they have generational vegetarians and vegans show that since the animal protein is low to absent in these people’s colons due to their dietary habits, the B12 producing bacteria are able to migrate to the small intestines and when they (bacteria) produce B12, it can be absorbed in the ileum.


The post Where Does B12 Come From? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Dehydration Leading To Acidosis

Watch on YouTube here: Dehydration Leading To Acidosis

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Self Breast Exam vs Mammogram

Self Breast Exam Vs MammogramLet’s review a self breast exam vs mammogram.

The most common form of breast cancer that is non-invasive is referred to as stage 0 and is known as DCIS. This article will explain why a self breast exam vs a mammogram is so important.

This condition carries an extremely low risk of advancing to breast cancer hence only 1.0%-2.6% of women with DCIS die from invasive breast cancer in 8-10 years.

In as much as the incidence of DCIS has increased 500% since the advent of mammograms, one might want to think twice about getting a mammogram. Furthermore, 10-15% of women receiving mammograms are “diagnosed” with breast cancer who do not have breast cancer.

Tragically, they go on to surgery, chemo, and radiation and now all the new oncological “toys”, called targeting agents, which are just as dangerous as standard chemotherapy. These are all procedures that are responsible for untold pain, suffering and a greatly diminished quality of life.

What most people do not realize is that self-breast exam is equally as effective as mammograms in finding breast cancer.  In fact, 43% of women report having detected their breast cancer without diagnostic machinery, at home (18% by accident and 25% by breast self-examination). Since mammograms also have the same success rate, 43% why would anyone want to subject themselves to a painful, dangerous procedure?

A Self Breast Exam Helps with Prevention and can Detect Breast Cancer Early

Obviously, squeezing sensitive breast tissue and producing trauma with its attendant inflammation and pain and then irradiating that inflamed tissue with ionizing radiation known to be extremely carcinogenic (causes cancer), may very likely be responsible for the 500% increase of DCIS and, indeed the initiation of what ultimately becomes invasive breast cancer.

With all of this in mind, it becomes clear that a woman never has to submit herself to a mammogram and that she would be wise to develop the habit of self-breast examination. It is the most effective non-lifestyle change that a woman can do to not only help prevent but to detect breast cancer early…when it is just a small cluster of cells.

Utilizing a strategy of breast ultrasound and thermography along with regular breast self-examinations is not only much, much more effective than mammograms but furthermore, there is no risk of causing the very condition that we are attempting to discover, breast cancer.

The post Self Breast Exam vs Mammogram appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.