Wednesday, July 25, 2018

What Does The Sun Do For Humans

What Does The Sun Do For HumansWhat does the sun do for humans, it keeps us in the proper rhythm needed to function optimally.

When asked what does the sun do for humans, we have to look at our relationship with the sun and light. What we find is that there are two types of creatures on this planet that crawl, walk and fly around.

These two types are diurnal and nocturnal. They have two different physiologies. The light comes in through the optic nerve and goes through the super chiasmic nucleus and off to the pineal gland.

The pineal gland makes hormones like melatonin. Humans are diurnal. Nocturnal creatures are awake at night, they eat at night and they are active at night. Humans are the exact opposite.

Humans diurnal rhythm is with the sun.  Between the sun and the earth, humans have this rhythm that is unchangeable and non-negotiable.

Our anatomy and physiology are designed to work with this rhythm. Light is essential, it is as important as oxygen. If you look around the entire Universe what you’ll find is everything exists in cycles.

On earth, we have seasons. Everything is a cycle, for example, the birth-death cycle. When we look up at the stars and the constellations we find out they work in cycles.

Everything is interconnected. This is why the sun affects us the way it does. People that live above a certain latitude or below can be affected by the seasonal affective disorder.

What does the sun do for humans, it keeps us in the circadian rhythm

Each organism has a set of functions they are supposed to perform in this whole thing called nature and in a specific niche. This is called a biological niche.

As an example of this, if we put a tuna fish into a freshwater lake, perhaps it would survive but not really well. If you took a Polar Bear and put him on the equator, he’s going to have problems.

If you put a Gorilla is Alaska without a Zoo and he’s in trouble. Each organism is designed to perform their set of functions without their specific niche and not outside of it.

Now, the earth is titled and spinning at a little over 1,000 miles per hour. This is what gives us our circadian rhythm. Where do humans belong on the earth? We belong in the subequatorial zones.

This is the environment from which we arose and is where we would achieve optimal functioning. What is in this environment? Lush plants, blue skies, plenty of sunlight and water. It would take about an hour a day to take care of our survival needs.

When is this beautiful, lush environment with delicious fruit everywhere a human would never be tempted to eat an animal? There would be no desire to do so.

Were you aware that Pythagoras, Socrates, Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were all vegetarians? That’s kind of a cool club to belong to, right? I think they knew a thing or two.

The post What Does The Sun Do For Humans appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Can The Body Heal Itself From Anything?

Can The Body Heal Itself From Anything?Can the body heal itself from anything, absolutely, the body was designed to heal!

It’s important that a person know that they will heal. So, can the body heal itself from anything, yes it can, as long as the right path is followed.

Getting cancer is a second chance that God is providing. It’s a reminder that the path the person is on is not as long as it should be and some changes need to be made.

What’s amazing to realize is that not everyone gets a tap on the shoulder. It is truly an anointing. If people were to welcome this blessing, healing from cancer, has, can and will happen.

At An Oasis of Healing, there are people who years later let us know that being diagnosed with cancer ended up being the best thing to happen to them. They explained to us that they achieved their full potential as a result of their experience with cancer.

They were able to achieve their true potential and at the same time, they were inspiring everyone around them. What happened was they became a beacon for all those around them. People close to them wanted to be just like them.

Everyone who goes through this becomes almost evangelical in sharing their experience with healing from cancer. They have become enlightened and continue sharing with people they meet. It is truly a blessing.

Can the Body Heal itself from anything, absolutely, given the right path if followed!

I have been affected by cancer on a very personal level, so this is not said lightly. Unfortunately, I saw my mother, fiancĂ©, and my uncle all die from cancer. My perspective isn’t from a distant. It really is a psycho-spiritual happening.

Consider this as well, I have two children, a son who is 25 and a daughter who is 23. They are both very healthy and extremely smart. They have never, ever eaten an animal. From this, I have to conclude that people don’t need to eat animals.

Sure, it may taste good, so go monkey brains and bull testicles but people really don’t need to eat them. Now, since people don’t need to eat animals, here’s a question, then why are they eating it?

Is the answer because it tastes good? What this means, in essence, is that people are sanctioning the slaughter of an innocent animal for your pleasure. People don’t need it, it’s just pleasure.

People don’t have to be vegans to be healthy, some animal products can be eaten. Veganism is a philosophy, it’s a way of life, to do no harm. To pass your way on earth doing as little harm as possible while doing as many things to help people as possible.

In the end, this is a person’s legacy. A legacy is not what you have accumulated in life, it is who you were.

Bottom line, the human body was made to heal. The body is healing every second of every day. If people learned to stay out of their own way, their bodies would heal. We use integrated cancer therapies and metabolic medicine to assist people in healing.

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The post Can The Body Heal Itself From Anything? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Can The Body Heal Itself From Cancer

Watch on YouTube here: Can The Body Heal Itself From Cancer

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Fasting Insulin Level Below Three

Fasting Insulin Level Below Three Is The TargetPeople should strive for a fasting insulin level below three and then maintain it.

People who are healthy and don’t live in a major city are in the perfect position for proper brain wave function. These people will alternate between delta, theta and alpha and back again. This helps keep their fasting insulin level below three. At or below three is where people need to be.

For those who reside in tropical areas, eating delicious organic vegetables and fruits daily as well as not having to go to a place of business have this delta, theta and alpha brainwave pattern.

Going from delta to theta to alpha is healthy and is how everyone needs to live. Sadly, as the majority of people in the US live in major cities, most people don’t live like in the modern era.  The life people live today starts with the alarm clock shocking us awake and sends us from delta to beta which puts people in a state of anxiety.

People wake from a sound sleep to pop up out of bed! This translates into pure anxiety. This waking up abruptly is followed by drinking coffee which will keep people in beta.

Most people have hectic days pushing their way through them, sitting in traffic and usually suffer some setbacks. All of this is what keeps people in beta.

Bedtime rolls around and instead of having a chance to unwind, they go right from beta to delta. There was no opportunity to unwind through theta.

A Fasting Insulin Level Below Three Takes Care of Heart Attacks, Diabetes, and Cancer!

Theta and alpha are both missed as people stayed on the delta-beta ride through the entire day. Then, the following morning, the alarm clock sounds, and the pattern is repeated over and over.

The result of this is having cortisol and adrenaline produced which is what is called “stress”. The insulin-glucose metabolism goes crazy and elevates. This puts people into a hyperglycemic state where they remain for the balance of the day.

What causes people who don’t eat to have elevated levels, simply put, it’s stress. Doctors today are now calling this Metabolic Syndrome “X”. Metabolic Syndrome X is everything which tells us that the insulin-glucose dynamic becomes the underlying pathology for heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and cancer.

This is really a good thing to know because if a person can get their fasting insulin level below three and maintain it, this will help in preventing the conditions just mentioned.

What’s important to understand here is beyond eating a clean, healthy diet, it’s also about mindset and what you think about. Remaining in the delta-beta state continuously will contribute to weight gain and shuts off growth and healing.

It puts a person into the fight or flight state and it stops getting blood flow to your organs and healing is prevented.

The post Fasting Insulin Level Below Three appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Ways To Resist Temptation

Ways To Resist TemptationThe Best Ways To Resist Temptation and Help Avoid The Wrong Path

Let’s review some the best ways to resist temptation. What people would find out by going to sleep at night as the sun is going down, is when they wake up they will feel amazing!

After a proper night’s sleep, people will find that many things have been restored. The human body worked while you slept and was busy cleaning all the things that needed to be. People most likely experienced dreams while they slept and woke up feeling great.

The best way to start each day which will help people steer clear of even the toughest temptations is the following these three simple things. Do these things as soon as you wake up in the morning.

Take just 5 to 15 minutes to meditate upon waking.

Following meditation choose books to read that are based on health, wellness, and healing. Remember to read books that explain how the body works and stay away from reading books on disease. Disease doesn’t exist, it is simply the absence of health.

The reason it’s important to read first thing in the morning after you meditate, even for fifteen minutes, is because your mind is fresh and you don’t have the weight of the day on your mind. Reading for just fifteen minutes in the morning is the same as reading for 90 minutes at night.

Solid Ways to Resist Temptation and Keep on a Healthy Path

People in college who went to bed early before an exam and woke up far earlier than everyone else has a tremendous advantage. Their mind is fresh in the morning over those who stay up a good part of the night where their focus isn’t good and have to drink a lot of coffee for clarity.

Next up, exercise. It’s important to get your body in motion and work up a sweat. Whether it be from walking, hiking, biking, rowing, it doesn’t matter, choose what you like so you stay with it and get your sweat on!

Alternate certain days of the week where some focus on cardio and others on resistance training. Both are important in terms of exercise. Put in enough effort to create a sweat, that is where a benefit is achieved.

These are the ways to resist temptation which will help you in staying far away from the things you know that tempt you. Do doing these three things in the morning, you have cared for your spirit, your mind, and your body.

You will now be leaving the house in the morning wearing your armor so to speak which will put you on the best path to have a healthy day and avoid temptation. Then throughout the course of your day when you’re out and about and encounter what would normally be a temptation and it is not even a second thought.

You can now easily drive by a McDonald’s or a Dunkin Donuts, etc. and not feel the slightest temptation and keep right on driving.

The post Ways To Resist Temptation appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.