Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Perfect Diet Is Not Eating

The Perfect Diet Is Not EatingIt may be hard for some people to grasp but the perfect diet is not eating.

There is no perfect nutrient. There is a part of every nutrient, every food, that is not usable. For example, if you eat an organic apple, there is part of it that you will not be able to use which will be eliminated. Let’s get into why the perfect diet is not eating.

The point is there is no perfect food. There’s nothing you take in and have one hundred percent of it become part of you with the exception of oxygen and water.

The reason for this is very complicated. Even oxygen and water get used and they no longer exist as oxygen or water, they get used and they become other things.

There is really no perfect food and that’s what people need to understand.  They will ask what is the perfect human diet? The answer is there is no perfect human diet.

As an example, if you were to eat an apple you would be able to use 90% of it and 10% won’t be able to be used. It’s the same with broccoli, eat some and 90% can be used, 10% cannot.

The body has to get rid of the unusable, otherwise, you know, in a couple of years you’d be too big to walk. Let’s say you put the broccoli into a pot of boiling water and boil it.

The Perfect Diet Is Not Eating for a Period of Time Which Will Help Restore Your Health

Now it’s soft and mushy, how much of it can you use? Maybe about 20% and not the 90% when raw. The rest is not usable anymore, so it was changed when cooked. If you fried it, maybe 0.01% could be used and the would be unusable.

Therefore, long ago, I came up with the conclusion that instead of saying this food is better than this food, and this is better than that food, I look at food as being this is worse than that. None of it can be used 100% so it’s now the case of which food is less bad for you, less harmful for you.

What does that imply? It implies that more than likely the best diet would be not eating, and there is actually some evidence that this is true.

There is some evidence and that has to do with the structure of our blood cells, the red blood cells. They have the same structure as chlorophyll in the plants. The red blood cells grab energy from light and transmute it into biological energy.

In nature, God didn’t and doesn’t make anything that does not have value, that does not have utility, or that is not useful. Anything that exists, exists for a purpose and has a reason and has utility.

We would not have red blood cells that are designed to absorb light for no reason. Why would we have that in our blood?

No one has ever been able to answer that question because there is no obvious reason. However, it exists, and things don’t exist unless they’re necessary.

The post The Perfect Diet Is Not Eating appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Power Of Prayer And Praise

The Power Of Prayer And PraiseThe Power Of Prayer And Praise from the Spoken Word

The power of prayer and praise has a large influence on the body. There were some amazing studies conducted and documented by Dr. Emoto from Japan. He showed how the power of prayer and praise affected water and the water crystals that formed when frozen.

What his studies showed was when water is spoken to with loving intent and words like; thankful, gratitude, love, etc., followed by freezing the water directly after, the water crystals that formed were breathtaking. The frozen crystals all formed a unique shape and they were all beautiful.

On the other hand, speaking words such as evil, death, and hate produce crystals that are messed up and gross looking. And, the language used to speak to the water doesn’t matter. It is the intent that matters.

Most people wouldn’t know the word hate hearing it in another language. It’s the intent behind the word, not the word itself. The intent is what is transmitted to the water which is used to create the crystals.

The human body is made up of seventy percent water. When you say or when someone says to you things like “You’re stupid, I wish you were dead, I hate you” the impact of those words internally on the seventy percent of your body which is water can’t be ignored.

Some of these studies were done on regular plain old tap water. The findings were interesting, to say the least. The tap water was spoken to, blessed and then frozen.

The frozen blessed water was then compared to normal unblessed frozen tap water. The water that was blessed created beautiful crystals and the non-blessed tap water formed ugly crystals.

The Power of Prayer and Praise Has a Profound Effect on Water

When we eat or drink, we should always bless the food and water or whatever it is that we are drinking beforehand. You can say a prayer or just say words like love, grateful, etc. before your meal.

Let’s say you are in a place and you can’t get good water and you are stuck with drinking tap water. Just say to the water, this water is fantastic, thank you, I’m grateful to be drinking you and then drink it.

It’s the same thing with people in our lives and our relationships we have with them. People feel the impact of your words and vice versa. And, the people closest to you feel it the most.

If someone close to you says something negative to you, it stays with you all day, a week or maybe longer depending on what was said. In comparison, the guy down the street who is a little crazy says something negative to you and you immediately let it go.

The opposite of sorcery is prayer and blessings. We need to make it part of our day to bless people and say nice things to them. Every being on this planet loves to hear nice things being said to them, about them.

Using the power of prayer and praise before you eat or giving gratitude is significant and contributes to your overall health. Plus, it just makes you feel good!

Your words have a tremendous impact on yourself and all those around you, so chose wisely. Remember, we humans are 70% water and words affect physical properties so speak kindly with love.

The post The Power Of Prayer And Praise appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

The Power of Prayer And Positive Thinking

Watch on YouTube here: The Power of Prayer And Positive Thinking

Friday, August 17, 2018

Why Body Detoxification Is Important

Why Body Detoxification Is ImportantWhy body detoxification is important for health

The body has a built-in system to cleanse, to detoxify. Why body detoxification is important is because we are all accumulating toxins on a daily basis. We need to be diligent in ridding our bodies of these toxins, so accumulation does not become a health issue.

Most of the organs of function have to focused on getting rid of and eliminating toxins. Internally, we have intracellular mechanisms to eliminate toxins and clean up so that your body can detoxify.

You don’t do it, its body that does it. It’s a self-cleaning oven. The switch is turned on and it cleans itself. This body will clean itself if you just stop feeding it.

If you don’t stop feeding it, it can’t clean itself and you will accumulate toxins quickly. The accumulation of the toxins over time will develop these things called, sickness, aging, and early premature death.

We’re supposed to be living to 120 years of age. I would like to remind everyone that the original design had us living to 912 years of age.

For those who don’t remember the original design, look in the Holy books, what’d they tell you? This guy lived 987 years, this guy lived to 940 years of age, etc. Why is that?

It is because they were eating the food that we were designed to eat. What were they eating? Go to the first book, we call it, “Genesis”. There are other names for it.

In Israel, they call it the “Pentateuch” by Moses. Go to the first book, chapter 1, verse 29, and read it. What does it say? It says “I give you every fruit which has a seed and every plant bearing seed that’s on the whole face of the earth. For you, it shall be meat. For you, it shall be food.”

Why Body Detoxification is Important if Maintaining Health is your Goal

What it did not say was steam for 20 minutes. It did not say when microwaved, do not use metal. Those were not there. I’ve read it a few times, I just don’t remember seeing that part.

When people were eating according to that diet, what happened? They lived to the age of 900 or longer. Why aren’t we living this long today?

Remember the big flood, and the guy named Noah? What did he start doing? He got permission to feed the people what? Dead animals.

They started eating dead animals and what happened? They died young and within five generations they were living with a decreased lifespan of 120 years.

And then came the rules. There was halal and kosher, but all these are rules were for plan B. This is not plan A. Plan A was to eat the plants and don’t cook them because I made him perfect.

Guess what? I made tomatoes not tomato soup. And I didn’t make a mistake. You’re making a mistake by turning on the oven.

Do you think God messed up? Where’s the lycopene? How come they are no lycopene trees? How come there are no vitamin C trees? Oh, I guess we don’t need just one single nutrient?

I guess if we eat the tomato, it’s got lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin A, carotenes, and fiber. Also, the seeds have Amygdalin. As said by Hippocrates, “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This is it. There is no other medicine.

The post Why Body Detoxification Is Important appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Our Health Is Our Birthright

Our Health Is Our BirthrightOur health is our birthright and should never be taken for granted!

We are not taught anything about health in schools, instead what is taught is sickness management. Our health is our birthright and it is up to each individual to put yourself first.

The key piece of maintaining good health is nutrition. And, when dealing with cancer a vegan ketogenic diet works incredibly well in healing people heal from it.

There are apps that can help you with building vegan ketogenic recipes to follow or you can customize them yourselves although it can be quite intricate. When you visit us at An Oasis of Healing, you benefit from our expertise in this area as we make the food for you and give you the recipes.

Trust us when we say, these vegan ketogenic diet has recipes that are mouthwatering, and you will love and look forward too. It can be quite delicious when you find what you like.

The amount of time between meals is also important as you want to stay in ketosis while going through your alternative cancer treatments. It is a cycle as you don’t want to be on a ketogenic diet indefinitely.

Our Health is Our Birthright and Only You Can Take Control of It

You would be looking at roughly 6 weeks on a vegan ketogenic diet and then switch to 12 weeks on a regular clean organic vegan diet. Then on a strict keto diet, you are not getting all the nutrients you need as it’s focus is on beating cancer so it’s important to cycle.

Our goal is to give you back your health as our health is our birthright! We lost this being born into today’s society and pure ignorance. It’s important to understand, you can get it back, but you have to work at it.

It’s worth the work as your health is everything. You need to become a master of you! Get your master’s degree in you. On the oracle of Delphi where Socrates went, it said, “know thy self”. Why know thy self?

Because if you know you, you know everyone. There is only one of you in the Universe. When people are saying “I” and not “I am a woman, I am a man, I am a mother, I am a father, I am a friend, etc., just the “I”, that “I” that is you is the same “I” that is me.

There’s only one “I” and that is the same “I” that is God. Everything else is just ornaments.

The post Our Health Is Our Birthright appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.