Thursday, March 29, 2018

What Is The Function Of Receptors In Our Body?

What Is The Function Of Receptors In Our Body?What is the function of receptors in our body and are there different types?

We have different receptors on our cells for different reasons. For some receptors, the body makes that chemical and it fits perfectly on them. For other receptors, when we ingest a certain chemical such as cannabinoids which fit nicely on the receptors made specifically for this compound.

The structure of our red blood cells is very similar to that of the chlorophyll in plants. They are used to grab energy from light and transmute it into biological energy. Everything in nature and everything made by nature has value and utility.

We have photoreceptive cells in our blood. These cells are able to absorb light. No one has ever been able to answer why they are able to do this. Nature doesn’t make mistakes and everything in nature has a purpose and is useful.

Things don’t exist in nature unless they are necessary. Whether we like it or not, everything here is necessary. What do humans do? People walk around asking, is this better or is that better?

If we were to ask people which is better, up or down, men or women or day or night, what would be their answer? Well, the answer is, both are necessary. There is no “better”, there is no “good”, it’s all necessary.

Why is it necessary? Because it is. Why is it? Because God wants it to be. Our bodies were designed to eliminate toxins. What does this tell you about toxins? It tells you that they must be necessary. Otherwise, we would not have a mechanism already in existence to get rid of them.

What is the Function of Receptors in our Body and why are there different types?

Why when people take in opium does it have a pleasurable effect on us that takes away pain and makes us mellow? In our body, we have receptors for opium. Why do we have receptors on our cells for opium?

This is because our bodies naturally make opium. In biochemistry and physiology, we call this endorphins. The word endorphin means “endo” meaning produced inside and “orphin” meaning endogenously produced morpheein.

We have opiate receptors all over our body. So, when we consume opiates it immediately goes to these receptors. It turns out we also have cannabinoid receptors all over our body. This is the chemical produced by marijuana and hemp.

Our body produces what are called endocannabinoids so when we take this compound in, it also goes all over our body including the brain. It turns out that everything that has a profound effect on us has receptors for that chemical.

If we don’t have receptors for something we ingest, what happens? We throw up. Our body gets really sick and sometimes, we die. This is why it is so important to ingest organic whole foods only and avoid anything processed or unnatural.

What we eat is far worse than smoking and that’s why it’s critical to eat a raw vegan whole food diet on a consistent basis.

The post What Is The Function Of Receptors In Our Body? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Benefits Of Bacteria For Humans

Benefits Of Bacteria For HumansThe benefits of bacteria for humans are essential for good health!

Fungus is really good for the planet. Their job is to turn dead matter back into the soil. The benefits of bacteria for humans shouldn’t be underestimated as they perform various crucial functions.

Ten percent of the microorganisms in our GI tract are yeast or candida. Their job is to take old dead cells and recycle them.

One of the byproducts of a bacterium (Bifidus) in our colon is that it produces a short chain fatty acid. This fatty acid is necessary to feed the cells in the colon. This bacteria is the main fuel source for the cells in the colon.

If a person doesn’t have enough of this bacteria, their colon can’t thrive. The other thing that bacteria Bifidus does is stimulate the colon cells to die every 3 days and then make new ones.

That’s why the lining of the colon, the lining of the intestines, is turned over every three days. People need to have a new lining because the inside of our digestive system is very active and working all the time.

This is why these cells need to be replaced. This fatty acid produced by the bacteria is very important. These bacteria have a critical function in the body.

Another bacteria called acidophilus produced acid. Why do this bacteria product acid? They produce acid so the healthy bacteria can live and thrive while the pathogenic bacteria that can harm us, can’t survive.

Other bacteria make vitamin K which makes our blood clot. If we didn’t have these bacteria, people would bleed to death. We also have various other bacteria that stimulate our immune system.

The Benefits of Bacteria for Humans Go Against the Mainstream Mantra of Getting Rid of Bacteria

This is why we have anywhere from 50 to 100 trillion bacteria inside and on us protecting us. Yet, society is obsessed with being sterile and wanting to get rid of bacteria. That’s just it, we shouldn’t be looking to get rid of the bacteria. One of the best things you can do for your immune system is to stop washing your hands.

If eating organic food, wash it off but don’t scrub it with chemicals. Humans being disconnected from nature, from the earth, tells us that we need to clean it off.

Soil-based organisms were found to be really helpful. To illustrate this point, during World War I, the Germans were tracking the Arabs. Why did they track them?

The German troops were getting sick and a few of them a day were getting diarrhea and they couldn’t march with their fellow troop. They noticed that this wasn’t happening to the Arabs.

What the German scouts found was every time an Arab started to feel sick, they would eat camel dung. What was proven later was there were soil-based organisms in the camel dung.

Those soil-based organisms found in the dung killed the pathogenic organisms. So, you had the Germans scrubbing, cleaning and dying and the Arabs eating the dung and living.

This is why soil-based organisms are important to our health and also why hand sanitizers may not be!

The post Benefits Of Bacteria For Humans appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Friday, March 16, 2018

EMF Measurement And The Unknown Dangers

EMF Measurement EMF measurement is something that needs more attention as it relates to our health.

Today we have to deal with something we can’t detect, EMF’s or electromagnetic fields and frequencies. EMF measurement of electromagnetic frequencies, radiation, signals, microwaves is needed as they are real and everywhere.

We need a better understanding of the effects these unnatural frequencies have on us. If human vision were to improve so these EMF’s were visible, we wouldn’t even be able to see each other. There is no space between us that is not filled with electromagnetic frequencies.

Why is this important to us? Well, consider this, the brain is an electromagnetic mechanism. The brain functions by electricity. Nerve impulses are electrical impulses.

Humans have electrolytes in the blood. When blood is drawn some of the things they measure are sodium, potassium, chloride, etc. to see a person’s electrolyte status. These are molecules in the blood that allow electrons to flow.

Electrons are electricity. Everything is electric. Human’s are electromagnetic beings. Another example of this is an EKG. The waveform is visible on the paper.

EMF Measurement of the Effects on Human Health Is Critical for our Survival

Here we are being bombarded with EMF’s. Humans are literally bathing in all these unnatural frequencies. EMF’s have a negative impact on the human body.

However, we don’t know as of yet what the ultimate consequence is being exposed to these frequencies on a daily basis. We will find out about these effects in the next 20 to 30 years. It will be determined at that point that finally, something needs to be done about EMF’s.

When radiation was first discovered in the early 1900’s, it was thought to be beneficial for different treatments. It was used in large doses as a treatment and people were dying of cancer as a result. Conventional medicine still hasn’t learned from it.

Today, we have smartphones and the power and frequencies keep increasing each year with each new model. There are more instances of tumors along the auditory canal as well as brain tumors.

Conventional medicine just doesn’t learn from obvious results happening real time and right in front of them. It’s the exact reason why I could no longer recommend these barbaric treatments for cancer to people as I quickly learned that they did not work.

History is being repeated here with electromagnetic frequencies. EMF measurement needs to be a priority when measuring long-term effects on the human body. We will regret this if it is not addressed soon.

The post EMF Measurement And The Unknown Dangers appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Natural Human Instincts No Longer Exist

Natural Human Instincts No Longer ExistNatural human instincts have vanished from humanity.

No creature on this earth or flying above the earth ever asks the following question but humans do. You will never see a dog asks its mother, is this okay to eat? Animals are connected to nature and God, we are not, natural human instincts have disappeared.

Do you think horses have seminars and debates about what is the right thing for them to eat? Do you think they do blood tests on each other to determine the blood type, so they eat the correct food for that type?

There is no creature on the planet that needs to ask what to eat. Nor do they have to ask when to go to sleep or how to interact. Humans don’t know how to do any of this.

People don’t know what to eat, we don’t know when to go to sleep and we don’t know how to interact with one and other. In fact, humans can’t agree on anything.

The reason for this is because we are cut off from God and nature and the other creatures are not. All other creatures are connected to God. They don’t have to pray, and they don’t have to meditate. They are in continual communion with God.

For animals, the mind and the ego are not in the way. What are the strands of the web that connect all creatures to God called? It’s called instinct. Humans no longer have instinct, why is that?

Natural Human Instincts Are Disconnected During Childhood

How is it that a flock of birds turn in unison while flying at exactly the same time? Did the birds rehearse it? How does the butterfly know what flower to go to? Did they go to school? Is there a special school for animals?

How does a spider know how to design a web? Humans have to go to school to learn how to make a table. Natural human instincts have left us and why is this?

We start by teaching our kids within the first few months of their lives the three things we love to tell them. No, don’t and stop! We do this over and over again. A child at one year old is not bad and they are not doing evil things.

What are children at one year of age doing, they are acting out of instinct. What is our response to the children about their instinct? That’s it’s bad. We say don’t do that, no, stop that.

By the time children are four years old, they don’t know what to do and are always asking their parents, is this okay? In the end, what are we teaching our children to do with this barrage of no’s, don’ts and stops?

We are teaching them to lie. When a parent asks, who ate the cupcake? The child who did eat it says, I didn’t do it. We, as parents end up requiring our children to lie and we reward it. The best liars win and they wind up in the White House.

The post Natural Human Instincts No Longer Exist appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.