Thursday, December 28, 2017

What Is Food Either Fuel Or Poison

What Is Food?Only humans have to discuss the topic of what is food?

Why is it that only human beings need to cover the subject of what is food? If a person is hungry and walks down the street, what do they see? That person would see restaurants!

People’s motivation affects their perception. We need to understand that we will only find what we are looking for and if we are hungry, that’s food.

In India, there is a saying that if a pickpocket meets a saint, all he sees are his pockets. It’s important that we distinguish the difference between appetite and hunger.

Appetites are developed by the age of three. The foundation of our appetite becomes augmented as we get older. As we age, our appetites become elaborate. Appetites are the polar opposite of hunger.

Hunger is non-specific and easily satisfied. Appetite is learned, specific and never satisfied. Appetites are cravings, they give you that feeling of “I have to have that”!

When we are young, we are told, you have to develop a taste for it. Anything that a person has developed a taste for is a problem. And, the bigger problem is it represents almost everything we eat and ingest.

Another example is smoking. Smoking wasn’t pleasurable for people initially. The fact that it became pleasurable is an example of the divine flexibility of the human body.

Kids learned to eat what their parents stuck in their mouths. We are setting up neurological pathways that are so deep and rooted that we can never get them out.

Dr. Lodi Answers The Question What Is Food?

Now that we have this understanding, let’s discuss what is food. Food could easily be defined as a substance that once ingested can be incorporated into flesh and blood. This is a very simple and clear definition of what is food.

Conversely, whatever is ingested and brought into the body that can’t be incorporated becomes an impediment. This impediment or impediments need to be removed from the body. These impediments are called poisons.

The conversation now shifts to food versus poison. Poisons have different degrees have lethality. Smoking is a poison and very bad for you, however, it takes thirty years to negatively impact your health. That’s pretty mellow on the poison scale.

There are poisons a person can ingest where they would be dead in 10 minutes. The fact is more people are dying from what they eat than from smoking.

A vegan who smokes has the same risk of lung cancer than a non-vegan who doesn’t smoke. Smoking is an assault on the lungs and gets into the blood immediately and produces free radicals.

Free radicals go around damaging things in the body. Food is actually incorporated, held, pocketed and processed does so much more damage than smoking.

In answering the question of what is food, it is relative to the organism that is being discussed. If what is being eaten is easily incorporated into that organism, then it is in fact food. If it is not, then it is poison.

The post What Is Food Either Fuel Or Poison appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Rules For Healthy Living

Rules For Healthy LivingHere are the rules for healthy living which are straightforward and simple.

If you are consistent in following the rules for healthy living, then there is a good chance you will live a vibrant and healthy life. The goal of a thorough detoxification is to restore your health.

However, once you do that, how do you keep the good health you just acquired? How do you avoid going back to your old unhealthy habits?

If people can follow some simple rules for living life, then a person can maintain their restored health. Remember, whatever it takes to restore your health, it then required to also maintain it.

Let’s start with the subject of sleep. People have to go to sleep earlier. If people go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, then they have experienced what is called restorative sleep. Getting this kind of restorative sleep helps to restore and cleanse your cells. People will have energy and feel better than they have in years.

The next rule to follow is to pray when you wake up in the morning. Starting your day meditating and being grateful for your health is an essential rule for healthy living.

Reading daily is another essential rule to follow. People can read books focused on health, healing, and nutrition as well as scripture.

The Rules for Healthy Living are an Ideal Way to attain True Health

It’s important to note that when you do read, read about truth and steer away from books that focus on disease and negative things. Instead, focus on the truth. Learning to appreciate a living a healthy life is important. Having true health is a blessing and something we should all be grateful for having.

Exercise is fourth among the rules for healthy living. It’s important to get your heart pumping and create a good sweat and then a nice shower to clean up.

Fasting is also an important piece in maintaining your health. The length of time you spend fasting in between meals is important. The longer you can go between meals without eating, the better.

Not eating three hours before bed and then going well into the next afternoon before eating is a great model to follow. The longer you can fast, the deeper the cleanse is for you at a cellular level.

All of these rules for healthy living are some of the fundamental principles we follow and instruct here at An Oasis of Healing. Our comprehensive cancer care program goes far more in-depth regarding health restoration, but these are some basic rules anyone can use to live a healthier life.

Contact us today if you, any member of your family or a loved one is in need of help when it comes to cancer.

The post Rules For Healthy Living appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Homeostasis In The Human Body

Homeostasis In The Human BodyHomeostasis in the human body is a fundamental process.

The human body, just like bodies of other living creatures has a built-in process referred to as homeostasis whose role is to maintain the body’s functional integrity. Homeostasis in the human body works in this way. When someone shoves you, one leg automatically goes out to prevent you from falling and maintain the body’s balance.

This is referred to as a bio-mechanical homeostatic response. Homeostasis occurs at the gross physiological level. It also happens internally, and in every body cell, you can think of. Each body cell will try to create a balance for itself to maintain its function despite whatever happens to it.

All instructions a cell needs to be in a position to compensate are found in the nucleus or DNA and consequently in our genes. Every possible response that a cell can make is located in the genes. Unfortunately, the nucleus will not know what to make; the cell will not know what action to take unless it is triggered from the outside.

For instance, let’s say a body cell is hungry. It requires glucose to fuel its operations. Since the cell requires glucose, the signal is sent to the nucleus and the nucleus, in turn, stimulates, produces and activates the genes to produce more insulin receptors so that the cell gets the glucose it needs.

Homeostasis in the Human Body Allows Corrective Measures To Happen And in Turn Save Our Lives

And when there is excess glucose, the opposite signal is sent, and the cells down-regulate and cease the production of more insulin receptors. This occurs in many different instances all over the body.

It is essential to note that the cell’s nucleus is similar to the parts department at a car dealership. If you want to fix your vehicle, you will look under the hood and instantly know the equipment you need. You then rush to the parts department and place an order. The body works in a similar manner. While the DNA is the cell’s parts department if you will, most of the signals come from outside the cell. And the outside is the environment.

The environment surrounding a cell is determined by two things: what is getting into the body and what is not leaving your body. This is basically what happens in the cell, which is the most fundamental level of biology.

The cell is the body’s single unit of organization. Surprising enough, there exists a single-celled organism. In simple terms, a cell can be compared to a small universe confined in a small region. Microns are thousandths of an inch or meter.

They are very minute. This usually takes place on a physiological level with diabetes and high blood pressure. The human body responds to such conditions through homeostasis. The body is basically trying to maintain its integrity and ability to function even in the presence of unnatural situations.

At An Oasis of Healing, everything we do for the people who come to visit us is centered around maintaining homeostasis in the body. Our focus is on restoring health which we have done and continue to do with great success.

The post Homeostasis In The Human Body appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Is Soy Good For Your Health?

Is Soy Good For Your HealthIs Soy Good For Your Health, yes it is, and we will walk through why here in this article.

Many people ask this question today. In fact, it has become a trending topic in this day and age. There seems to be a lot of confusing information on the internet about this topic. Hence, we thought we would address this and clear up any confusion for good. So, Is Soy Good For Your Health?

The direct answer to this question is – Yes, soy is good for your health. You can get a better perspective on this subject by analyzing the Japanese diet. The people of Japan live much longer than people of any other place on the planet.

The Japanese diet mainly consists of soy products. If you go to a Japanese restaurant, you will find soy in almost everything they serve. In fact, the Japanese consume soy sauce, miso, tempeh, and tofu on a daily basis. They consume these foods several times a day.

The Japanese population consumes soy all the time, and they have the longest lifespan on the planet. Then how can some publications populate the idea that soy isn’t good for your health? This is not true since it doesn’t make any sense at all.

The Japanese woman had never heard of a disease like breast cancer prior to the western diet becoming popular in Japan. Things changed with the arrival of McDonald’s and KFC in Japan. On the other hand, prostate cancer was never heard of in Japan prior to the western diet taking over their meal plan.

You can Google and check the longevity of the Japanese people prior to the arrival of western diets in the country. Check the diet and cancer rates in Japan from 1940 to the present day, and you will see a completely different story in Japan prior to the 1950s. So, Is Soy Good For Your Health? Well, the Japanese people are the best example of why soy is good for your health.

Is Soy Good For Your Health? Yes, It Is! Don’t Buy Into The Myth!

Soy has an effect on the hormones in your body. What is the effect? In fact, soy contains phytoestrogens. “Phyto” means plant-based. Hence, soy contains plant-based estrogens. There are basically three types of estrogens in the body. These types are estriol, estrone, and estradiol. Estriol stimulates the beta receptors by binding to them. It blocks the alpha receptor – which represents the negative effects of estrone and estradiol. When estriol binds to the beta receptor, it can shrink tumors.

It acts similar to the drug tamoxifen – which is another blocking agent. But estriol has no side effects like uterine cancer – which is a side effect of tamoxifen. Soy acts the same way as estriol. In fact, soy binds to the beta receptor and blocks the alpha receptor. This is a huge plus point for our health and well being.

All patients who visit our healing center asks the question of “Is Soy Good For Your Health?” These people need to know the truth. We use soy products in our center in the form of natto and miso – which are fermented products. The problem in the United States is soy is overused by our society. In fact, you will find so many forms of soy such as cheese, soy milk, bread, etc.

Too much of anything is not good for your health in the long run. In Japan, everything is in moderation and used appropriately. That is why you need to consume soy in moderation in order for it to have the positive effects on your health and well being over time.

Fermented soy and regular soy like tofu are healthy. On the other hand, too much of unfermented soy can result in gastrointestinal problems. Moderation is important when using soy products. Soy is healthy for us, no doubt. But you should steer clear from GMO soy. Always buy organic soy products.

The post Is Soy Good For Your Health? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.