Dr. Thomas Lodi: Is Cancer a Fungus?
Funghi and human cells are not the same…different DNA.
After the embryonic period, all cells (except stem cells) become differentiated into specific cells, such as liver or heart or skin, etc.
One of the hallmarks of malignant transformation is loss of differentiation (de-differentiation) so that a “poorly differentiated” cancer cell no longer has any of the features of the original tissue, such as liver or heart of skin, etc.
Specific applications of heat (hyperthermia) to cancer cells can stimulate “re-differentiation”…that is, they can once again differentiate into their original form as a liver or heart or skin cell.
This is also what vitamin D does when the body has adequate levels – it produces re-differentiation.
This is also what vitamin D does when the body has adequate levels – it produces re-differentiation.
Since funghi and human cells have different DNA, a fungus cannot become a human cell under any circumstances…so, if cancer were a fungus, then the process of re-differentiation could not happen, but it does…hence, cancer is NOT a fungus.
Since cancer cells and fungal cells have the same metabolic requirements, they coexist – wherever you have cancer, you will most likely find fungal cells living in symbiosis with them.
Eliminating the funghi actually reduces the cancers’ strength by removing the protection afforded it by fungal organisms.
Dr. Thomas Lodi:
Integrative Oncology | Metabolic Medicine | Certified Nutrition Specialist | Philosopher
Integrative Oncology | Metabolic Medicine | Certified Nutrition Specialist | Philosopher
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