Dr. Thomas Lodi empowers his patients to understand their body’s ability to heal. His treatments have revolutionized the integrative side of the oncology industry worldwide and led many patients with cancer to the root of real healing and health restoration. Dr. Thomas Lodi founded his practice at An Oasis of Healing in Mesa, Arizona when few, if any other centers, provided a true mix of conventional and alternative medicine to help patients actually heal from their cancer.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Does Water Fasting Heal The Body?
Watch on YouTube here: Does Water Fasting Heal The Body?
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Do Alternative Cancer Treatments Work?
Many people to this day still ask do alternative cancer treatments work?
This was my response to someone who asked, “If these cancer treatments work, then why isn’t it used for all cancer patients worldwide?”
Just connect the dots. The only research that’s considered legitimate is the one that gets published by the pharmaceutical industry. Their research is allowed into the most prestigious journals.
There’s an overwhelming amount of information and research about intravenous vitamin C and other such therapies including insulin potentiated therapies but they never make it to the big medical journals.
Therefore, they are not considered legitimate. As a result, most oncologists and other physicians have no idea about these other therapies. And those people involved with keeping both the medical professionals and the public blinded to non-pharmaceutically based research sometimes do get discovered.
This article here is one of those examples of a medical professional executive who was discovered. https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/11/07/chief-medical-officer-of-major-cancer-center-resigns-after-receiving-millions-from-big-pharma/
Integrative Cancer Therapies Is What Needs To Be Taught In Medical Schools
The US pharmaceutical industry represents approximately 45% of the total pharmaceutical industry worldwide. It was valued in 2016 at approximately $446 billion in sales annually.
Cutting edge chemo drugs cost more than $60,000 a month. And the average monthly cost per drug is $10,000. The problem is this approach doesn’t work.
Sadly, less than 5% of the people diagnosed with stage 4 cancer are alive in five years. That’s why the world is hungry for approaches that are not only effective but with minimal side effects.
One of the saddest truths of all is that most people with cancer do not die from cancer. They die as a result of the treatments. A comprehensive program of multiple IV therapies, including low dose chemo with insulin as well as colon hydrotherapy, lymphatic therapies, oxygen therapies, plant-based raw organic food and juices, education/training, as well as yoga and other areas all cost as much as chemotherapy alone.
However, these more holistic comprehensive cancer care programs are not covered by insurance so the out of pocket costs are much greater. This is an absolute tragedy for humanity!
The post Do Alternative Cancer Treatments Work? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Friday, December 14, 2018
How Often Should You Eat Throughout The Day?
How often should you eat throughout the day is a very popular question, what’s the answer?
Eating is one of life’s simplest joys. Answering the question of how often should you eat throughout the day may disappoint some people who think eating is for pleasuring their tongue. The majority of people have forgotten that the purpose of eating is to fuel the body.
Eating nourishes the body, the mind, and even the spirit. It brings people together. It is a universal activity that people—regardless of gender, age, race, social class or political beliefs—can easily agree on. After all, everyone loves a good meal.
But like all good things, eating too much or too often can have dire consequences. In a new video, An Oasis of Healing founder and integrative oncology expert Dr. Thomas Lodi explains what happens to the body if we eat more often than necessary.
“You shouldn’t eat until what you ate already came out,” he said. “If I eat something and then I eat something else, now I’ve got my colon working, my stomach working—all day every day. What happens if I do that with my muscles? I get wiped out. I get tired. Our gastrointestinal system is overworked and sick.”
Dr. Lodi also points out that most of the cooked food items we eat no longer have enzymes, thus requiring the pancreas to work harder to produce them. Enzymes are “biological molecules” that expedite the rate of almost all the chemical reactions in the cells. They aid in digestion and metabolism and help break down large molecules so the body can absorb it better.
Enzymes “deactivate” when exposed to high temperatures but this does not mean that cooked food should be completely taken out from a regular diet. The human body “absorbs and re-secretes enzymes” to avoid enzyme deficiency.
Raw vs. Cooked Food
Eating some cooked food if you are in good health is okay in moderation if you feel you just have to have it. Raw food should be the majority of your diet which includes green juicing. A cook is a chemist as we know that when food is cooked, the chemistry is altered and changed and that is not a good thing for our health.
Eating vegetables raw to maximizes their nutritional value. For example, cooking cabbage destroys myrosinase, an enzyme that helps prevent cancer, so it is best to eat it fresh and raw. Raw onion is beneficial in preventing cardiovascular diseases while raw garlic has sulfur compounds that have known anti-cancer properties.
So, back to the question: How often should you eat throughout the day?
There are no hard and fast rules on meal frequency. As Dr. Lodi notes, he has met senior Buddhist monks who eat only one meal a day and their bodies are well-adjusted to it.
The idea that eating smaller but more frequent meals throughout the day is ‘healthier’ has been disproved by studies which found that eating many smaller meals does not have a significant effect on fat loss or metabolic rate. At the end of the day, the total amount and quality of food you consume determines the amount of energy used during digestion.
Following Dr. Lodi’s above-mentioned advice, here’s a simple technique: Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Once you have gone through a detoxification protocol you will lose the cravings that keep you eating throughout the day. Now, eating once a day becomes that much easier to do.
Eating just one meal a day allows your body to naturally cleanse itself internally and puts you in control of your health. Got more questions? You can always book a consultation with Dr. Lodi.
The post How Often Should You Eat Throughout The Day? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
How Many Hours Between Meals
Watch on YouTube here: How Many Hours Between Meals
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Sunday, December 9, 2018
What Does Intermittent Fasting Mean?
What does intermittent fasting mean and how can you use it for your benefit health wise?
Intermittent fasting translates simply to mean “healthy eating”. It is what is happening in nature all of the time. No animal eats daily in nature, it just doesn’t happen.
Animals may eat for two straight days and then go an entire week without eating. And, they certainly do not eat 3 meals a day.
Animals that live in the wild have the benefit of having their body cleansed on a continuous basis. The body is only able to cleanse itself when food is stopped from being eaten. The major benefits start to kick in after 72 hours of fasting.
Animals in nature don’t eat continuously. This was not an accident by God. God doesn’t make mistakes. This wasn’t done for entertainment. God wouldn’t want the animals to starve. This defines the process for cleansing.
Healthy eating is intermittent fasting and vice-versa. That is the meaning of intermittent fasting, healthy eating. If you eat once a day that is healthy. Unfortunately, society has been led to believe this isn’t healthy and that you have to eat every 2 hours. This is nonsense.
Defining Intermittent Fasting or more accurately Healthy Eating
When we analyze a human cell we see that it contains a nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, ribosomes, and an outer membrane. The lysosomes are what clean things up. The human cell has various kinds of organelles inside the cell which help create the functionality of it.
These lysosomes help clean up the garbage. They are the recyclers of the garbage. When a person stops consuming food, true cleansing and healing can begin. Autophagy defines this process.
Consuming a single meal daily is healthy eating. This needs to be taught more not only in schools but in the medical profession as well. The majority of doctors don’t know this and don’t practice this.
Also, what you eat is just as important as how often. If you do opt for eating just once a day, that doesn’t mean you can eat pizza, chicken wings and burgers. Eating a plant-based raw vegan diet is just as important as eating once a day.
If you practice healthy eating daily, your body will be in constant cleaning mode. This lends itself to true health and helps prevent putting your body into any kind of health crisis.
We teach this at An Oasis of Healing. When you come to see us, you become an active participant during your treatments and therapies. We do this so when your health is restored and you return home, you know the exact lifestyle you need to live to help avoid any future health crisis’s.
The post What Does Intermittent Fasting Mean? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.