Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How To Break From A Water Fast

How To Break From A Water FastAn easy guide on how to break from a water fast safely.

Fasting refers to the method of restricting food intake—for mandatory health reasons, as part of religious practice or for self-imposed dietary purposes. One type of fasting is water fasting. This means that a person does not consume anything, except water. Learning how to break from a water fast is important to know before you begin.

It is popular among those who are trying to lose weight quickly but aside from its weight loss benefits, water fasting also has significant health benefits. Studies have shown that it can help lower the risk of some chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. It is also linked with stimulating autophagy.

Autophagy is the process by which cells “degrade and recycle their components.” Autophagy helps provide fuel for energy and building blocks for cell renewal. It can also destroy bacteria and viruses after an infection. It was first discovered in the 1960s, but it was scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi who established its fundamental importance in the 1990s.

During a water fast, most people drink two to three liters of water per day. The absence of food allows the gastrointestinal system to rest and the digestive system to heal.

After the fast, which can be three to seven to twenty-one to even a forty day fast, the biggest no-no is to immediately consume a heavy meal. Not only will it cause discomfort, but it will also trigger abnormal hunger pangs that will lead to consuming excessive amounts of food.

How To Break A Water Fast Properly

The best way to go about it is gradually. Dr. Thomas Lodi, the founder of Arizona-based alternative cancer care center An Oasis of Healing, suggests starting off with melons, which are the most digestible food for adult humans. You can either eat them or juice them.

If you find you are unable to consume much of it, that’s perfectly normal. It is also advisable to stick to one kind of melon to avoid upsetting the stomach. For cancer patients, Dr. Lodi recommends green juices instead of melons as they are sweet.

How long should you stay on the melons or the green juice after a water fast? That depends on how long you’ve water-fasted. The best way to know is to listen to your body. Start introducing soups as you feel more comfortable, and eventually, you can transition back to your regular diet.

In supervised cases of longer periods of water fasting, up to 40 days in rare cases, a good rule of thumb to follow would be one to two days of melon or green juicing for every seven days of water fasting, and then on to blended soups, and salads followed by heavier meals.

Just remember the golden rule of breaking a water fast: Do not eat a big meal right away. For more helpful information on metabolic medicine and integrative oncology, check out the website for free resources or book an online consultation with Dr. Lodi.


The post How To Break From A Water Fast appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Supporting Therapy During A Water Fast

Supporting Therapy During A Water FastSupporting therapy during a water fast will enhance and deepen the potential results during the process.

Let’s look at supporting therapy during a water fast. During the first few days of your water fast continue to do what you would normally be doing. The “normal” things we are talking about are going to bed early, getting up early, meditate, read and the workouts we do routinely. These things should be completed by 6:30 am.

If you committed to going to bed early, you can easily accomplish all of this by 6:30 – 7:00 am in the morning. This would include meditating, reading good books on health and healing and working out.

In terms of working out, it doesn’t need to be extreme. It can be as hard or as easy as the routine workouts you would normally do for the first five to six days of the water fast.

The Bemer machine should be included in the protocol. The Bemer is a mat you sit on for eight minutes at a time and preferably twice a day every day.

This machine emits a frequency that will open up the microcirculation in the body. The microcirculation accounts for seventy percent of the body’s total circulation.

This is very beneficial for the arteries and veins throughout the body. The microcirculation helps support the bodies organs and cells which is very important to maintain good health. Most of the population today has a very sluggish circulation so this therapy is very beneficial.

A Water Fast Should Include Other Complementary Therapies to Enhance Its Positive Effects

Yoga is an excellent activity to do while water fasting. And to complement the yoga, there is pranayama breathing. This also helps to cleanse our lungs.

The most important aspect of fasting to remember is that we have stopped toxifying our bodies. Water fasting prevents toxins from being put into the body. This is when the body is free to cleanse very deeply.

Breathing deeply during a water fast is important as well and should be a focus. To do a complete body cleanse while water fasting or green juicing, air needs to move in and out of our lungs. Adding colon hydrotherapy to cleanse and flush out the colon is essential as well.

If you can, doing two colonics over the first 7 days and then one a week over the next several weeks is what you should try and accomplish. After the colonics, doing enema’s every month for health maintenance is key.

When it comes to reading, choose books where the subject matter is centered around health and health-related topics. Choose books to read where the subject in on water fasting, green juicing, yoga, infrared sauna’s, etc.

Learn from experts on these subjects and see what thousands of other people have done as well to improve the health. This will help educate you and further reinforce your goal of health restoration and then maintaining your good health.

The post Supporting Therapy During A Water Fast appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

The Benefits Of Water Fasting

Watch on YouTube here: The Benefits Of Water Fasting

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Universal Law Of Cause And Effect Relating To Cancer

The Universal Law Of Cause And effect Relating To CancerThe Universal Law of Cause and Effect as it relates to cancer explaining the reality of where we are today.

We have been led to believe that cancer strikes at random. That cancer somehow sneaks up out of the blue and takes down the most unlikely candidates. That we can catch cancer just like we “catch colds”. These are myths that strike fear into the general public.

We don’t catch health either. Our health is earned. We do this by embracing a lifestyle that enhances our immune system and optimizes our health.  We resist that which brings about an illness.

The words above were recently posted on social media where it received a comment from a woman who actually has cancer herself. She was offended by what was said. She felt we were blaming people for getting cancer.

Here is my response to her comment.

We don’t choose our parents or the culture into which we are born. We don’t choose the language we speak or the way we think or the way we behave. It is well-established that 95% of our minds are subconscious. This means 95% of our minds are unavailable to scrutiny.

Just as we have “trains of thought”, so do we have “trains of behavior”. If someone were to ask us about our habits, appetites and our entertainment preferences, etc. we would be unable to answer much about it. We would be unable to tell anyone why we like something or how it came to be that we like something or prefer something.

With this understanding of the human condition, it should be clear that “blaming” is not what is being expressed here but rather the universal law of “cause-and-effect”.

In addition to having acquired language, thought patterns, behaviors, preferences, and appetites, we are also exposed to toxins. These toxins are in air, water and in our hygiene products as well as the clothing we wear. There is no “blaming”, but rather an effort to help us understand clearly where we are and then a suggested roadmap to where we would prefer to be.

Our current lives are vastly different from our ancestors. They didn’t have to consider whether or not the food they ate was poisoned (“non-organic”). They didn’t have to choose which water to drink. Nor did have to worry about if the air quality was safe enough for our children to play outside today.

The leading causes of death today are heart disease and cancer, whereas they were minor causes 100 years ago. Today 1 out 6 people alive on the planet will get cancer in their lifetimes and these statistics are even grimmer for countries in Europe, many Asian-Pacific countries, and the US.

Cancer is not something that is caught like a cold, nor is health, we earn Health!

And, although the cancer rates in 1900 we’re less than 5%, they had doubled in about 50 years. These changes are attributable to what is known as the “industrial revolution”. Currently in the United States, one out of two men and one out of three women will get cancer in their lifetimes.

Today, 310 kg of toxic chemicals are released into our air every second. This results in approximately 10,000,000 tons or 21,000,000,000 pounds of toxic chemicals released into our environment every year.

And, ‘no’… this is not a choice that individuals make. We are not blaming anyone, we are pointing out the reality of life today on planet earth.

As a consequence of this reality, we are offering an alternative on how to live a life that consciously avoids being victims of this tragic set of circumstances. And, for those who have already been poisoned enough as to have been diagnosed with cancer, we offer an alternative to the standard approach of using purely toxic protocols.

In addition to this and most essential to the program that we offer is a specific curriculum along with training on how to live one’s life in a way that minimizes the chances of getting cancer and allows those with cancer to stop the process, as much as is possible.


The post The Universal Law Of Cause And Effect Relating To Cancer appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.