Wednesday, February 28, 2018

What Is Optimal Human Functioning

Optimal Human FunctioningWhat is our optimal human functioning, we don’t know.

What we do know is that Einstein used only 8% of his brain. And, Tesla used only 9% of his which is far from optimal human functioning, wouldn’t you agree?

We have men in Machu Picchu who are fathering children at the young age of 110 and there is no Viagra involved. There are also the Hunza people in various parts of Pakistan and India, both men and women, who are running up and down hills at the age of 120 and 130.

We have no idea what our true potential is, nor do we know what our human niche is. An anthropologist would say that all the evidence points to all humans originating out of North Africa. This has to do with equatorial zones.

If you look at humans from a biblical point of view, then we all came from Eden. And, where is Eden? Eden is in Iraq. Isn’t Iraq all sand? What’s under the sand? Oil is under the sand and what is oil, it is compressed vegetation.

At one point in time, Iraq was a lush place and it got buried. The entire Middle East became buried under the sand. The Middle East was all lush vegetation at one time in our history.

What is Optimal Human Functioning Listen in to Dr. Lodi discuss this Topic

That’s what made the oil, the carbon and all that came with it. If you look at us biblically or scientifically, we are sub-equatorial or equatorial creatures.

It makes sense because our closest cousins are the Gorilla’s, Chimps and Orangutan’s and that’s where they come from, they don’t come from Alaska. And what do they eat, they eat vegetables, plants, and fruits.

They are designed to eat this food and so are we as humans. To achieve optimal human functioning beyond the levels of Einstein and Tesla would require that we plug back into nature.

Humans are disconnected from nature, unlike animals. We keep moving further away which is not good for the long-term survival of our race.

We need to live in harmony with nature, eat a whole food plant-based diet and go to bed much earlier than most people do today.  These are just the simple basic things that need to happen first.

Beyond that, there is so much more that needs to happen across the planet to increase human potential. It’s going to take a huge coordinated effort to have this come to fruition and a massive reversal of how things currently work on this planet.

The post What Is Optimal Human Functioning appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

What Is Toxemia Caused By

What Is Toxemia Caused ByWhat is toxemia caused by, it is quite simple, ingesting or inhaling too many toxins which accumulate and enter the blood.

When toxins get into the body, a person is said to be intoxicated. And, for some reason, we think it only relates to alcohol. In answering what is toxemia caused by, it’s all toxins, not just alcohol.

When toxins get into the blood, it’s called toxemia. Now, there is also anemia which is when the blood is low. When women have heavy periods, they can be anemic. If a person has an ulcer and is bleeding internally, they can be anemic.

“Emia” refers to something in the blood. Toxins get into the blood in many different ways. They can come in from eating, drinking, breathing them in and through the skin. Once toxins get into the blood, they circulate and get into the tissues.

People take in toxins, they get into the blood and develop toxemia. Then, it gets deposited into the tissues and organs and this is called intoxicated or intoxication.

Let’s define what a toxin is, shall we. To do this, we first need to understand what the opposite of a toxin is. Something that is taken into the body or enters the body and is assimilated into the body’s blood and tissue is not a toxin.

Real whole food gets incorporated into our flesh and blood. We breathe in air, oxygen and nitrogen and lots of other small gases. The oxygen gets incorporated into our cells and blood.

Anything that comes into your body that it can use as food or a nutrient. The word nutrient is a better word to use than the word food or from eating. Breathing in oxygen, the body can use an oxygen cell as a nutrient, so it doesn’t necessarily mean physical food.

What is Toxemia caused by and how can we prevent it?

People can drink water and water is a nutrient because the body will use the water. And, of course, nutrients do include food as well. Food will become a nutrient if it is whole, organic and raw of course, otherwise, it becomes damaged from cooking it or spraying it with pesticides.

That which can be taken in and incorporated into the body is a nutrient. And, that which comes into the body and can’t be incorporated and needs to be eliminated is a toxin.

Toxins can be cooked foods where nutrients are destroyed. When whole foods are sprayed with insecticides, herbicides or pesticides, these toxins get into the blood as well.

Toxins can be water that has fluoride which is a poison. Most sunscreens are toxic and are loaded with poisonous chemicals and rubbed onto the skin which lets toxins enter the blood.

We breathe in environmental toxins are well as we live our daily lives. These are the toughest to eliminate from entering the body as we can’t control what’s in the air.

We can, however, control, what we eat, what we drink and what we put onto our skin. This is why it is so important to make wise decisions in these areas.

We can reduce toxins and keep them from accumulating in the body where they can do a lot of damage.

The post What Is Toxemia Caused By appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Healing Meditation Means Learning How To Quiet Your Mind

Healing MeditationHealing meditation means clearing your mind of all thoughts and turning it off!

The goal of healing meditation is to turn the mind off so there is no thinking taking place. What it doesn’t mean is meditating to something like the sound of a river or a CD of something. That is not meditation.

What the majority of people usually mean when they reference meditation is “contemplation”, something they are contemplating or focusing on. In actuality, meditation is not thinking.

Almost every religion and spiritual practice uses meditation because it’s absolutely necessary. The reason healing meditation is necessary is because we are all crazy with our mouths closed.

If you tried to follow your thought processes with your mouth closed, then you would understand what Buddha meant. Buddha said our mind is like a fish on the beach. It just flops from here to there.

For example, try to picture your thoughts driving from work to home, what did you think of? If your mind is closed, the radio wouldn’t be on, you wouldn’t be on the phone, and you’re thinking all kinds of different thoughts.

This is why everyone hates to be alone. When you’re alone you immediately grab some sort of thing and run with it. You’re going to get on the computer or listen to music, you have to do something because people don’t like to be alone with their thoughts.

Healing Meditation Must Take Place in the Right Setting

We are all crazy. We are crazy with our thoughts. If you accept this and then ask, what do I have to do? You ask yourself, will I be able to fix my mind which is, by nature, everyone’s problem?

The answer is, we aren’t able to fix something that is unfixable by definition. Instead, what a person does is transcend it. They way a person transcends it is by turning it off with meditation.

How does one meditate? How does one become thoughtless? The easiest way to do healing meditation is by focusing on our breathe. It is important that people who meditate are not tired, that’s why it’s best to meditate when you wake up. And, sit in the lotus position, upright and alert.

It is also important to note that if you are Christian, Jewish, Mormon, or Muslim, you are not violating your religious beliefs by meditating. Every one of your Saints, every one of your Prophets meditated. Christ meditated as well.

You are not violating anything. You are not praying to anybody, you’re just turning off your mind. When you turn off your mind and are quiet, whatever religion you are, you will actually be able to hear. We are all busy praying to God, but we never bother to listen to the answer. You won’t hear the answer if you are talking in your head.

If you have an internal dialogue going on, you are going to miss the message or the answer. If you want to hear God, you need to stop thinking. The minute people stop thinking, they will find themselves in a place called “bliss” or eternal. That’s where every person wants to be, because who’s there, God is there.

The post Healing Meditation Means Learning How To Quiet Your Mind appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Benefits Of Going To Bed Early

Benefits Of Going To Bed EarlyThe benefits of going to bed early are numerous and should not be ignored.

The process of cell renewal while sleeping is important to living a healthy life. One of the benefits of going to bed early is initiating cell renewal.

In regards to sunlight, there are two kinds of living beings that have a profound relationship with it. One is called nocturnal and the other diurnal. A nocturnal beings’ reaction to light and darkness is quite different from the way a diurnal reacts.

When the sun goes down and darkness takes over, that’s when nocturnal animals become awake. Humans are diurnal creatures and are awake while the sun is up, so the exact opposite. When the sun goes down, we naturally want to go to sleep.

If we lived in a world without machines and no electricity we would go to bed with sun fall. People would then wake up right as the sun was coming up. That is the optimal window for sleep that benefits human beings the most.

When researching and reviewing sleep studies that track people that go sleep early, there are a lot of positives that happen to them. One of the most important benefits is the body produces the appropriate quantity of hormones when getting adequate sleep.

One of the Many Benefits of Going To Bed Early is Proper Hormone Production

Another reason to go to bed early is the majority of a human’s hormones are produced between midnight and three in the morning. When people go to bed at 11:00 pm or later, the essential hormones that are normally produced are not and that works against you.

One of the other vital reasons for going to sleep early is cell renewal. People have the opportunity every night depending on when they go to bed, to eliminate old dying cells.

When you eliminate old cells, we get to replace them by creating new cells. This process helps in restoring our bodies natural energy. The ultimate cleansing period is while we sleep.

We are able to clean out the sludge while at the same time cell renewal is taking place. That is why it is important to consume whole organic non-processed foods. We actually are what we eat.

If people consume garbage, then they will produce garbage cells as part of the renewal process. This can easily be avoided by eating nutrient-dense food that provides the building blocks for our cells.

It is no coincidence that with the rapid rise in fast food consumption, we also see a dramatic rise in all the most prevalent diseases. This is our insanity that exists in our society today and it must be reversed if the human race is too survive.

The post Benefits Of Going To Bed Early appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.