Dr. Thomas Lodi empowers his patients to understand their body’s ability to heal. His treatments have revolutionized the integrative side of the oncology industry worldwide and led many patients with cancer to the root of real healing and health restoration. Dr. Thomas Lodi founded his practice at An Oasis of Healing in Mesa, Arizona when few, if any other centers, provided a true mix of conventional and alternative medicine to help patients actually heal from their cancer.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Does Water Fasting Heal The Body?
Watch on YouTube here: Does Water Fasting Heal The Body?
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Do Alternative Cancer Treatments Work?
Many people to this day still ask do alternative cancer treatments work?
This was my response to someone who asked, “If these cancer treatments work, then why isn’t it used for all cancer patients worldwide?”
Just connect the dots. The only research that’s considered legitimate is the one that gets published by the pharmaceutical industry. Their research is allowed into the most prestigious journals.
There’s an overwhelming amount of information and research about intravenous vitamin C and other such therapies including insulin potentiated therapies but they never make it to the big medical journals.
Therefore, they are not considered legitimate. As a result, most oncologists and other physicians have no idea about these other therapies. And those people involved with keeping both the medical professionals and the public blinded to non-pharmaceutically based research sometimes do get discovered.
This article here is one of those examples of a medical professional executive who was discovered. https://www.collective-evolution.com/2018/11/07/chief-medical-officer-of-major-cancer-center-resigns-after-receiving-millions-from-big-pharma/
Integrative Cancer Therapies Is What Needs To Be Taught In Medical Schools
The US pharmaceutical industry represents approximately 45% of the total pharmaceutical industry worldwide. It was valued in 2016 at approximately $446 billion in sales annually.
Cutting edge chemo drugs cost more than $60,000 a month. And the average monthly cost per drug is $10,000. The problem is this approach doesn’t work.
Sadly, less than 5% of the people diagnosed with stage 4 cancer are alive in five years. That’s why the world is hungry for approaches that are not only effective but with minimal side effects.
One of the saddest truths of all is that most people with cancer do not die from cancer. They die as a result of the treatments. A comprehensive program of multiple IV therapies, including low dose chemo with insulin as well as colon hydrotherapy, lymphatic therapies, oxygen therapies, plant-based raw organic food and juices, education/training, as well as yoga and other areas all cost as much as chemotherapy alone.
However, these more holistic comprehensive cancer care programs are not covered by insurance so the out of pocket costs are much greater. This is an absolute tragedy for humanity!
The post Do Alternative Cancer Treatments Work? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Friday, December 14, 2018
How Often Should You Eat Throughout The Day?
How often should you eat throughout the day is a very popular question, what’s the answer?
Eating is one of life’s simplest joys. Answering the question of how often should you eat throughout the day may disappoint some people who think eating is for pleasuring their tongue. The majority of people have forgotten that the purpose of eating is to fuel the body.
Eating nourishes the body, the mind, and even the spirit. It brings people together. It is a universal activity that people—regardless of gender, age, race, social class or political beliefs—can easily agree on. After all, everyone loves a good meal.
But like all good things, eating too much or too often can have dire consequences. In a new video, An Oasis of Healing founder and integrative oncology expert Dr. Thomas Lodi explains what happens to the body if we eat more often than necessary.
“You shouldn’t eat until what you ate already came out,” he said. “If I eat something and then I eat something else, now I’ve got my colon working, my stomach working—all day every day. What happens if I do that with my muscles? I get wiped out. I get tired. Our gastrointestinal system is overworked and sick.”
Dr. Lodi also points out that most of the cooked food items we eat no longer have enzymes, thus requiring the pancreas to work harder to produce them. Enzymes are “biological molecules” that expedite the rate of almost all the chemical reactions in the cells. They aid in digestion and metabolism and help break down large molecules so the body can absorb it better.
Enzymes “deactivate” when exposed to high temperatures but this does not mean that cooked food should be completely taken out from a regular diet. The human body “absorbs and re-secretes enzymes” to avoid enzyme deficiency.
Raw vs. Cooked Food
Eating some cooked food if you are in good health is okay in moderation if you feel you just have to have it. Raw food should be the majority of your diet which includes green juicing. A cook is a chemist as we know that when food is cooked, the chemistry is altered and changed and that is not a good thing for our health.
Eating vegetables raw to maximizes their nutritional value. For example, cooking cabbage destroys myrosinase, an enzyme that helps prevent cancer, so it is best to eat it fresh and raw. Raw onion is beneficial in preventing cardiovascular diseases while raw garlic has sulfur compounds that have known anti-cancer properties.
So, back to the question: How often should you eat throughout the day?
There are no hard and fast rules on meal frequency. As Dr. Lodi notes, he has met senior Buddhist monks who eat only one meal a day and their bodies are well-adjusted to it.
The idea that eating smaller but more frequent meals throughout the day is ‘healthier’ has been disproved by studies which found that eating many smaller meals does not have a significant effect on fat loss or metabolic rate. At the end of the day, the total amount and quality of food you consume determines the amount of energy used during digestion.
Following Dr. Lodi’s above-mentioned advice, here’s a simple technique: Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Once you have gone through a detoxification protocol you will lose the cravings that keep you eating throughout the day. Now, eating once a day becomes that much easier to do.
Eating just one meal a day allows your body to naturally cleanse itself internally and puts you in control of your health. Got more questions? You can always book a consultation with Dr. Lodi.
The post How Often Should You Eat Throughout The Day? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
How Many Hours Between Meals
Watch on YouTube here: How Many Hours Between Meals
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Sunday, December 9, 2018
What Does Intermittent Fasting Mean?
What does intermittent fasting mean and how can you use it for your benefit health wise?
Intermittent fasting translates simply to mean “healthy eating”. It is what is happening in nature all of the time. No animal eats daily in nature, it just doesn’t happen.
Animals may eat for two straight days and then go an entire week without eating. And, they certainly do not eat 3 meals a day.
Animals that live in the wild have the benefit of having their body cleansed on a continuous basis. The body is only able to cleanse itself when food is stopped from being eaten. The major benefits start to kick in after 72 hours of fasting.
Animals in nature don’t eat continuously. This was not an accident by God. God doesn’t make mistakes. This wasn’t done for entertainment. God wouldn’t want the animals to starve. This defines the process for cleansing.
Healthy eating is intermittent fasting and vice-versa. That is the meaning of intermittent fasting, healthy eating. If you eat once a day that is healthy. Unfortunately, society has been led to believe this isn’t healthy and that you have to eat every 2 hours. This is nonsense.
Defining Intermittent Fasting or more accurately Healthy Eating
When we analyze a human cell we see that it contains a nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, ribosomes, and an outer membrane. The lysosomes are what clean things up. The human cell has various kinds of organelles inside the cell which help create the functionality of it.
These lysosomes help clean up the garbage. They are the recyclers of the garbage. When a person stops consuming food, true cleansing and healing can begin. Autophagy defines this process.
Consuming a single meal daily is healthy eating. This needs to be taught more not only in schools but in the medical profession as well. The majority of doctors don’t know this and don’t practice this.
Also, what you eat is just as important as how often. If you do opt for eating just once a day, that doesn’t mean you can eat pizza, chicken wings and burgers. Eating a plant-based raw vegan diet is just as important as eating once a day.
If you practice healthy eating daily, your body will be in constant cleaning mode. This lends itself to true health and helps prevent putting your body into any kind of health crisis.
We teach this at An Oasis of Healing. When you come to see us, you become an active participant during your treatments and therapies. We do this so when your health is restored and you return home, you know the exact lifestyle you need to live to help avoid any future health crisis’s.
The post What Does Intermittent Fasting Mean? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
How To Break From A Water Fast
An easy guide on how to break from a water fast safely.
Fasting refers to the method of restricting food intake—for mandatory health reasons, as part of religious practice or for self-imposed dietary purposes. One type of fasting is water fasting. This means that a person does not consume anything, except water. Learning how to break from a water fast is important to know before you begin.
It is popular among those who are trying to lose weight quickly but aside from its weight loss benefits, water fasting also has significant health benefits. Studies have shown that it can help lower the risk of some chronic diseases including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. It is also linked with stimulating autophagy.
Autophagy is the process by which cells “degrade and recycle their components.” Autophagy helps provide fuel for energy and building blocks for cell renewal. It can also destroy bacteria and viruses after an infection. It was first discovered in the 1960s, but it was scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi who established its fundamental importance in the 1990s.
During a water fast, most people drink two to three liters of water per day. The absence of food allows the gastrointestinal system to rest and the digestive system to heal.
After the fast, which can be three to seven to twenty-one to even a forty day fast, the biggest no-no is to immediately consume a heavy meal. Not only will it cause discomfort, but it will also trigger abnormal hunger pangs that will lead to consuming excessive amounts of food.
How To Break A Water Fast Properly
The best way to go about it is gradually. Dr. Thomas Lodi, the founder of Arizona-based alternative cancer care center An Oasis of Healing, suggests starting off with melons, which are the most digestible food for adult humans. You can either eat them or juice them.
If you find you are unable to consume much of it, that’s perfectly normal. It is also advisable to stick to one kind of melon to avoid upsetting the stomach. For cancer patients, Dr. Lodi recommends green juices instead of melons as they are sweet.
How long should you stay on the melons or the green juice after a water fast? That depends on how long you’ve water-fasted. The best way to know is to listen to your body. Start introducing soups as you feel more comfortable, and eventually, you can transition back to your regular diet.
In supervised cases of longer periods of water fasting, up to 40 days in rare cases, a good rule of thumb to follow would be one to two days of melon or green juicing for every seven days of water fasting, and then on to blended soups, and salads followed by heavier meals.
Just remember the golden rule of breaking a water fast: Do not eat a big meal right away. For more helpful information on metabolic medicine and integrative oncology, check out the website for free resources or book an online consultation with Dr. Lodi.
The post How To Break From A Water Fast appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Supporting Therapy During A Water Fast
Supporting therapy during a water fast will enhance and deepen the potential results during the process.
Let’s look at supporting therapy during a water fast. During the first few days of your water fast continue to do what you would normally be doing. The “normal” things we are talking about are going to bed early, getting up early, meditate, read and the workouts we do routinely. These things should be completed by 6:30 am.
If you committed to going to bed early, you can easily accomplish all of this by 6:30 – 7:00 am in the morning. This would include meditating, reading good books on health and healing and working out.
In terms of working out, it doesn’t need to be extreme. It can be as hard or as easy as the routine workouts you would normally do for the first five to six days of the water fast.
The Bemer machine should be included in the protocol. The Bemer is a mat you sit on for eight minutes at a time and preferably twice a day every day.
This machine emits a frequency that will open up the microcirculation in the body. The microcirculation accounts for seventy percent of the body’s total circulation.
This is very beneficial for the arteries and veins throughout the body. The microcirculation helps support the bodies organs and cells which is very important to maintain good health. Most of the population today has a very sluggish circulation so this therapy is very beneficial.
A Water Fast Should Include Other Complementary Therapies to Enhance Its Positive Effects
Yoga is an excellent activity to do while water fasting. And to complement the yoga, there is pranayama breathing. This also helps to cleanse our lungs.
The most important aspect of fasting to remember is that we have stopped toxifying our bodies. Water fasting prevents toxins from being put into the body. This is when the body is free to cleanse very deeply.
Breathing deeply during a water fast is important as well and should be a focus. To do a complete body cleanse while water fasting or green juicing, air needs to move in and out of our lungs. Adding colon hydrotherapy to cleanse and flush out the colon is essential as well.
If you can, doing two colonics over the first 7 days and then one a week over the next several weeks is what you should try and accomplish. After the colonics, doing enema’s every month for health maintenance is key.
When it comes to reading, choose books where the subject matter is centered around health and health-related topics. Choose books to read where the subject in on water fasting, green juicing, yoga, infrared sauna’s, etc.
Learn from experts on these subjects and see what thousands of other people have done as well to improve the health. This will help educate you and further reinforce your goal of health restoration and then maintaining your good health.
The post Supporting Therapy During A Water Fast appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
The Benefits Of Water Fasting
Watch on YouTube here: The Benefits Of Water Fasting
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
The Universal Law Of Cause And Effect Relating To Cancer
The Universal Law of Cause and Effect as it relates to cancer explaining the reality of where we are today.
We have been led to believe that cancer strikes at random. That cancer somehow sneaks up out of the blue and takes down the most unlikely candidates. That we can catch cancer just like we “catch colds”. These are myths that strike fear into the general public.
We don’t catch health either. Our health is earned. We do this by embracing a lifestyle that enhances our immune system and optimizes our health. We resist that which brings about an illness.
The words above were recently posted on social media where it received a comment from a woman who actually has cancer herself. She was offended by what was said. She felt we were blaming people for getting cancer.
Here is my response to her comment.
We don’t choose our parents or the culture into which we are born. We don’t choose the language we speak or the way we think or the way we behave. It is well-established that 95% of our minds are subconscious. This means 95% of our minds are unavailable to scrutiny.
Just as we have “trains of thought”, so do we have “trains of behavior”. If someone were to ask us about our habits, appetites and our entertainment preferences, etc. we would be unable to answer much about it. We would be unable to tell anyone why we like something or how it came to be that we like something or prefer something.
With this understanding of the human condition, it should be clear that “blaming” is not what is being expressed here but rather the universal law of “cause-and-effect”.
In addition to having acquired language, thought patterns, behaviors, preferences, and appetites, we are also exposed to toxins. These toxins are in air, water and in our hygiene products as well as the clothing we wear. There is no “blaming”, but rather an effort to help us understand clearly where we are and then a suggested roadmap to where we would prefer to be.
Our current lives are vastly different from our ancestors. They didn’t have to consider whether or not the food they ate was poisoned (“non-organic”). They didn’t have to choose which water to drink. Nor did have to worry about if the air quality was safe enough for our children to play outside today.
The leading causes of death today are heart disease and cancer, whereas they were minor causes 100 years ago. Today 1 out 6 people alive on the planet will get cancer in their lifetimes and these statistics are even grimmer for countries in Europe, many Asian-Pacific countries, and the US.
Cancer is not something that is caught like a cold, nor is health, we earn Health!
And, although the cancer rates in 1900 we’re less than 5%, they had doubled in about 50 years. These changes are attributable to what is known as the “industrial revolution”. Currently in the United States, one out of two men and one out of three women will get cancer in their lifetimes.
Today, 310 kg of toxic chemicals are released into our air every second. This results in approximately 10,000,000 tons or 21,000,000,000 pounds of toxic chemicals released into our environment every year.
And, ‘no’… this is not a choice that individuals make. We are not blaming anyone, we are pointing out the reality of life today on planet earth.
As a consequence of this reality, we are offering an alternative on how to live a life that consciously avoids being victims of this tragic set of circumstances. And, for those who have already been poisoned enough as to have been diagnosed with cancer, we offer an alternative to the standard approach of using purely toxic protocols.
In addition to this and most essential to the program that we offer is a specific curriculum along with training on how to live one’s life in a way that minimizes the chances of getting cancer and allows those with cancer to stop the process, as much as is possible.
The post The Universal Law Of Cause And Effect Relating To Cancer appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
What Is An Estrogen Receptor
Watch on YouTube here: What Is An Estrogen Receptor
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
A Shortage Of Oncologists And Why That’s Not A Bad Thing
This study reports on why there is a shortage of Oncologists I share my thoughts on this.
This study on a shortage of oncologists featured on the ASCO Post website is interesting but not as interesting as a study would be if it was designed to find out why cancer is increasing at such alarming rates. If cancer increasing at alarming rates could be understood then we might just eliminate those reasons and send all of our brightest minds to organic agriculture schools and naturopathic colleges or TCM or Ayurvedic programs to become practitioners of health rather than “disease”.
“Disease” is a myth that has been propagated upon the population for over 100 years now and serves as the principle upon which the medical model is based. We are born in hospitals (childbirth = “disease”) and begin receiving pharmaceutical concoctions on day 1.
We are then scheduled to follow up with physicians (pediatricians) at regular intervals. Parents, educators, legislators and those campaigning for public office (especially president), make it one of their primary concerns/promises to ensure that everyone has “disease insurance”, which is euphemistically referred to as ‘health insurance’.
We seek medical insurance because we are planning on becoming ill. One of the greatest lies ever perpetrated upon the human race is that ‘health is impossible and disease is inevitable’.
By the time we sit at our desks in 1st grade, we will have had > 28 vaccinations, antibiotics, decongestants, cough suppressants, anti-nausea, and diarrhea/constipation medications if we are relatively “healthy”. And now begins the process of ‘good citizen’ programming.
Unfortunately, those children who resist being placed in unnatural situations and follow their instincts to play and explore the world around them receive a diagnosis that requires more mediation that will subdue them and allow them to be chemically fit to attend school. Some children might be put on these drugs before they ever reach first grade since symptoms of ADHD very typically begin to appear between the ages of 3 and 6 years of life.
The Entire Medical System is Based on “Sickness Management” Rather Than Maintaining or Restoring Health
By the time a child reaches puberty, they are veteran medication consumers and everybody has a doctor. In fact, if you don’t have a doctor people consider you strange and cavalier or frivolous and irresponsible.
The lives of the modern “civilized” human being are centered around being sick. As a person progresses through life, they acquire more and more diagnoses, which are merely justifications for prescribing drugs (poisons).
Let us consider for a moment why we become so ill since clearly we were not fitted by nature to become dysfunctional early in life. Well, the root of all this is that humans do not think they are part of nature so they have built artificial environments in which to live and produce and eat “food” that is also artificial rather than natural. The problem is that we are part of nature and are subject to her laws hence our bodies adapt and these adaptations are called “diseases”.
A Shortage of Oncologists Creates An Opportunity to Turn Sickness Management Towards Maintaining and Restoring Health
Cancer is the adaptation at its finest. These cells have adapted to a situation where their fundamental modality of producing energy in order to function has been damaged significantly requiring them to produce energy in a very primitive manner. These cells actually are reduced to fermenting sugar in order to survive….much like microorganisms.
And, the medical model says that this adaptation is a “disease”, a horrible “disease” that must be eliminated at all costs. Therefore a war ensues between the “general”(doctor), the “soldiers” (nurses and technicians) and the adaptive fermenting cells (“cancer”).
This horrific battle takes place on the body of the unfortunate person who has already been poisoned from the day of conception. We now have two generations of mothers and fathers who were also victims of this tragic drama called modern civilization, based upon the medical model.
Most people die from the “treatment”, not the adaptive response of the body….not the cancer or the heart attack or the stroke. Let us not train more oncologists, let us make sure that they are no longer necessary.
Link to original article here that prompted my response in this article.
The post A Shortage Of Oncologists And Why That’s Not A Bad Thing appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Water Fasting And Cancer
Watch on YouTube here: Water Fasting And Cancer
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Where Does B12 Come From?
Where does B12 come from and is it vegan?
First of all, it needs to be understood that B12 production in nature only occurs in prokaryotes which is bacteria.
Nowhere else in nature is B12 produced. Therefore, we must get away from the false idea that eating an animal, or an animal product will provide us with B12 because the animals produce it. The fact is either the animal either ingested B12 and/or bacteria while they were eating.
Keep in mind that animals always have their mouths on the ground while eating. Hence, soil-based bacteria and feces loaded with bacteria are always entering their mouths. Additionally, animals may have bacteria in their upper gastrointestinal tracts, which produce B12 and then absorbed into their blood.
The main reason that most animals have B12 is a result of them eating their own feces. This is true especially of cows that are grazing but it is also true of dogs and elephants, etc.
It is important to note that we have bacteria that produce B12 in our intestines however, they reside in our colons, hence we cannot absorb it. B12 is absorbed only in the last part of the small intestine, called the ileum. Since the colon is distal to, i.e., downstream of the ileum, the B12 produced there cannot be absorbed.
Large-scale industrial production of B12 occurs via microbial fermentation predominately using three different bacterial species. There are 7+ species of anaerobic and aerobic species of bacteria that produce B12 naturally.
B12 where does it come from the answer is Bacteria!
The question about whether or not a “manmade” supplement can be used (bioavailable) by the body is being put forth due to a misunderstanding. B12 is never manmade. It requires the metabolic machinery of bacteria to be produced.
It is fine to use B12 supplements as they are vegan/vegetarian. The only other alternative of actually obtaining B12 is not a favorable one for the majority of humans. It would require eating your own feces.
In conclusion, this leaves us with the two basic alternatives of either eating the corpse of an animal who did eat their own feces, or we can grow the bacteria that produce B12 to do so and then encapsulate it for oral use or prepared for injection.
A very interesting phenomenon occurs in some people. Studies coming from India where they have generational vegetarians and vegans show that since the animal protein is low to absent in these people’s colons due to their dietary habits, the B12 producing bacteria are able to migrate to the small intestines and when they (bacteria) produce B12, it can be absorbed in the ileum.
The post Where Does B12 Come From? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Self Breast Exam vs Mammogram
Let’s review a self breast exam vs mammogram.
The most common form of breast cancer that is non-invasive is referred to as stage 0 and is known as DCIS. This article will explain why a self breast exam vs a mammogram is so important.
This condition carries an extremely low risk of advancing to breast cancer hence only 1.0%-2.6% of women with DCIS die from invasive breast cancer in 8-10 years.
In as much as the incidence of DCIS has increased 500% since the advent of mammograms, one might want to think twice about getting a mammogram. Furthermore, 10-15% of women receiving mammograms are “diagnosed” with breast cancer who do not have breast cancer.
Tragically, they go on to surgery, chemo, and radiation and now all the new oncological “toys”, called targeting agents, which are just as dangerous as standard chemotherapy. These are all procedures that are responsible for untold pain, suffering and a greatly diminished quality of life.
What most people do not realize is that self-breast exam is equally as effective as mammograms in finding breast cancer. In fact, 43% of women report having detected their breast cancer without diagnostic machinery, at home (18% by accident and 25% by breast self-examination). Since mammograms also have the same success rate, 43% why would anyone want to subject themselves to a painful, dangerous procedure?
A Self Breast Exam Helps with Prevention and can Detect Breast Cancer Early
Obviously, squeezing sensitive breast tissue and producing trauma with its attendant inflammation and pain and then irradiating that inflamed tissue with ionizing radiation known to be extremely carcinogenic (causes cancer), may very likely be responsible for the 500% increase of DCIS and, indeed the initiation of what ultimately becomes invasive breast cancer.
With all of this in mind, it becomes clear that a woman never has to submit herself to a mammogram and that she would be wise to develop the habit of self-breast examination. It is the most effective non-lifestyle change that a woman can do to not only help prevent but to detect breast cancer early…when it is just a small cluster of cells.
Utilizing a strategy of breast ultrasound and thermography along with regular breast self-examinations is not only much, much more effective than mammograms but furthermore, there is no risk of causing the very condition that we are attempting to discover, breast cancer.
The post Self Breast Exam vs Mammogram appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Friday, September 28, 2018
Dr. Thomas Lodi Is On A Mission In Thailand
For 20+ years now, Dr. Thomas Lodi has been helping cancer patients reclaim their health through a comprehensive cancer care program anchored on integrative oncology.
Integrative oncology, also known as integrative medicine, is the combination of integrative or complementary and alternative therapies with conventional cancer treatment and medicine. It is directed towards healing the body, as well as strengthening the mind and spirit.
Dr. Thomas Lodi established these three pillars which are the basis of An Oasis of Healing’s (founded by Dr. Lodi) integrative cancer therapies:
- Stop making cancer. These are medically approved therapies and nutritional programs that empower the body to stop making cancer-causing cells. Patients are encouraged to eat more organic whole foods and supplement their treatment program with therapies such as colon hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage, infrared sauna, and chelation therapy, to name a few.
- Target cancer. These are highly effective therapies, like IPT therapy and intravenous high dose vitamin C, which target cancer without causing further harm to the body.
- Enhance the immune system. As the body battles cancer, very little resources remain to defend the body. Thus, it is important to strengthen the immune system through therapies focused on the body’s biological design. Immuno-oncology therapies and modalities include oxidative therapies, yoga and meditation, and juice feasting/fasting.
These tenets of cancer care are encapsulated in Dr. Lodi’s Oasis School of Life—a program with a curriculum designed to change a patient’s knowledge base and empower them to live and experience true health.
As part of his advocacy, Dr. Lodi is bringing this tried and tested body of knowledge to Thailand as he works with Akesis Life Integrative Oncology. This Thailand-based integrative oncology center treats all ‘types’ of cancer with their holistic approach and integrative cancer therapies.
As Dr. Lodi puts it, “Just as you do not walk down the street and catch health, neither do you walk down the street and catch disease. You earn either.”
Akesis Life derives its name from Greek demi-god of convalescence. True to its name, this integrative oncology center focuses on an individualized, whole person approach versus a tumor-only approach. The idea is to not go to war against the tumor because it is part of the patient’s body.
Similar to An Oasis of Healing, Akesis Life’s treatment pathway follows a holistic approach—nurturing the body to heal naturally while fighting back against cancer through a combination of medically proven therapies and modalities.
Working with and consulting for the doctors of Akesis Life, Dr. Lodi brings to the table decades of expertise and experience in combating cancer. Before establishing An Oasis of Healing, he practiced as a clinical psychologist, as an internal medicine specialist, urgent care physician, and as an intensivist in ICU and CCU departments of various hospitals.
For Dr. Lodi, integrative oncology is all about bringing together different modalities of healing. He combines Traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine and only the effective parts of conventional treatments. All of these and more have a place in healing people.
The mission of Dr. Lodi and his partners at Akesis Life is to find the best of each of these modalities through an integrative cancer care approach that truly empowers patients instead of just focusing on the tumor without regard for the rest of the body.
The post Dr. Thomas Lodi Is On A Mission In Thailand appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Is Water Fasting Good For You
Watch on YouTube here: Is Water Fasting Good For You
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Monday, September 17, 2018
Vegan Keto Meal Plan

Vegan Keto Meal Plan
A vegan keto meal plan is tough to find.
Coming up with a vegan keto meal plan is difficult as the exact ratios need to be met for the “ketosis” to take effect. Listen in to hear why you need an experienced medical team to assist you with a vegan ketogenic diet when dealing with cancer.
The post Vegan Keto Meal Plan appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Monday, September 10, 2018
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Water Fasting For A Week
The benefits of water fasting for a week are life-changing.
It is the absolute best way to detoxify the body. One of the first things you will notice when water fasting for a week is your tongue will turn really white which is normal during a fast. Once your tongue turns pink, then you know your water fast is over.
What will happen as you end your fast is true hunger comes about. Hunger does not return as we really have never been allowed to experience it. As humans, we feed appetites, we don’t feed hunger.
Based on the goals we are wishing to achieve, you can tailor your water fast to match your goals. For example, you may want to do a water fast just for maintenance.
A beautiful thing to do if you wish to live long and prosper like our friend Spock is to do 4 water fasts per year. Have each fast be a minimum of one week and a maximum of 2 weeks. Try to match each fast up with the change of the seasons.
If you are able to do this consistently, nothing would ever accumulate in your body. You could even get away with eating some not so healthy things in between fasts as long as you stick to water fasts four times a year.
It would be a good idea to stay away from this but in theory, you could indulge in food you shouldn’t be eating if you will and get away with it fasting four times a year consistently.
Water Fasting for a week four times a year would provide you with good health throughout your life.
Health Benefits of Water Fasting
Losing Weight
Weight loss is the most popular reason for fasting. It stands to reason that if you don’t eat, you will lose weight. Let’s peel the onion back and examine how water fasting can help in this regard.
The state of ketosis is where the body starts to use the energy from stored fat internally in place of food. Water fasting will get the body into a state of ketosis much faster than dieting. When you stop eating, the body has no choice but to burn stored fat cells for energy.
Slows Down the Aging Process
There is nothing on this planet that can stop or even reverse the aging process. And, as we see every day there are certain individuals that will age more gracefully than most.
Certain studies involving animals have shown that intermittent fasting has the potential to extend a person’s lifespan by up to eighty percent over control groups. For us humans, fasting reduces oxidative damage as well as inflammation.
Cell Recycling Greatly Improved
Autophagy is the human body’s natural process when it comes to having unnecessary or dysfunctional components recycled. This natural process is forced into an autophagic state from water fasting.
When the body is taking in dramatically fewer calories, the body becomes more selective with the cells that it protects. Ultimately, what this means is water fasting will encourage the body’s natural mechanisms for healing so that it can recycle tissues that can be saved or eliminate damaged tissue that is beyond repair.
This process has been shown to have a positive outcome on serious health conditions such as cancer.
The post Water Fasting For A Week appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Best Way To Cleanse Your Body
Watch on YouTube here: Best Way To Cleanse Your Body
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Thursday, August 30, 2018
The Perfect Diet Is Not Eating
It may be hard for some people to grasp but the perfect diet is not eating.
There is no perfect nutrient. There is a part of every nutrient, every food, that is not usable. For example, if you eat an organic apple, there is part of it that you will not be able to use which will be eliminated. Let’s get into why the perfect diet is not eating.
The point is there is no perfect food. There’s nothing you take in and have one hundred percent of it become part of you with the exception of oxygen and water.
The reason for this is very complicated. Even oxygen and water get used and they no longer exist as oxygen or water, they get used and they become other things.
There is really no perfect food and that’s what people need to understand. They will ask what is the perfect human diet? The answer is there is no perfect human diet.
As an example, if you were to eat an apple you would be able to use 90% of it and 10% won’t be able to be used. It’s the same with broccoli, eat some and 90% can be used, 10% cannot.
The body has to get rid of the unusable, otherwise, you know, in a couple of years you’d be too big to walk. Let’s say you put the broccoli into a pot of boiling water and boil it.
The Perfect Diet Is Not Eating for a Period of Time Which Will Help Restore Your Health
Now it’s soft and mushy, how much of it can you use? Maybe about 20% and not the 90% when raw. The rest is not usable anymore, so it was changed when cooked. If you fried it, maybe 0.01% could be used and the would be unusable.
Therefore, long ago, I came up with the conclusion that instead of saying this food is better than this food, and this is better than that food, I look at food as being this is worse than that. None of it can be used 100% so it’s now the case of which food is less bad for you, less harmful for you.
What does that imply? It implies that more than likely the best diet would be not eating, and there is actually some evidence that this is true.
There is some evidence and that has to do with the structure of our blood cells, the red blood cells. They have the same structure as chlorophyll in the plants. The red blood cells grab energy from light and transmute it into biological energy.
In nature, God didn’t and doesn’t make anything that does not have value, that does not have utility, or that is not useful. Anything that exists, exists for a purpose and has a reason and has utility.
We would not have red blood cells that are designed to absorb light for no reason. Why would we have that in our blood?
No one has ever been able to answer that question because there is no obvious reason. However, it exists, and things don’t exist unless they’re necessary.
The post The Perfect Diet Is Not Eating appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
The Power Of Prayer And Praise
The Power Of Prayer And Praise from the Spoken Word
The power of prayer and praise has a large influence on the body. There were some amazing studies conducted and documented by Dr. Emoto from Japan. He showed how the power of prayer and praise affected water and the water crystals that formed when frozen.
What his studies showed was when water is spoken to with loving intent and words like; thankful, gratitude, love, etc., followed by freezing the water directly after, the water crystals that formed were breathtaking. The frozen crystals all formed a unique shape and they were all beautiful.
On the other hand, speaking words such as evil, death, and hate produce crystals that are messed up and gross looking. And, the language used to speak to the water doesn’t matter. It is the intent that matters.
Most people wouldn’t know the word hate hearing it in another language. It’s the intent behind the word, not the word itself. The intent is what is transmitted to the water which is used to create the crystals.
The human body is made up of seventy percent water. When you say or when someone says to you things like “You’re stupid, I wish you were dead, I hate you” the impact of those words internally on the seventy percent of your body which is water can’t be ignored.
Some of these studies were done on regular plain old tap water. The findings were interesting, to say the least. The tap water was spoken to, blessed and then frozen.
The frozen blessed water was then compared to normal unblessed frozen tap water. The water that was blessed created beautiful crystals and the non-blessed tap water formed ugly crystals.
The Power of Prayer and Praise Has a Profound Effect on Water
When we eat or drink, we should always bless the food and water or whatever it is that we are drinking beforehand. You can say a prayer or just say words like love, grateful, etc. before your meal.
Let’s say you are in a place and you can’t get good water and you are stuck with drinking tap water. Just say to the water, this water is fantastic, thank you, I’m grateful to be drinking you and then drink it.
It’s the same thing with people in our lives and our relationships we have with them. People feel the impact of your words and vice versa. And, the people closest to you feel it the most.
If someone close to you says something negative to you, it stays with you all day, a week or maybe longer depending on what was said. In comparison, the guy down the street who is a little crazy says something negative to you and you immediately let it go.
The opposite of sorcery is prayer and blessings. We need to make it part of our day to bless people and say nice things to them. Every being on this planet loves to hear nice things being said to them, about them.
Using the power of prayer and praise before you eat or giving gratitude is significant and contributes to your overall health. Plus, it just makes you feel good!
Your words have a tremendous impact on yourself and all those around you, so chose wisely. Remember, we humans are 70% water and words affect physical properties so speak kindly with love.
The post The Power Of Prayer And Praise appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Why Body Detoxification Is Important
Why body detoxification is important for health
The body has a built-in system to cleanse, to detoxify. Why body detoxification is important is because we are all accumulating toxins on a daily basis. We need to be diligent in ridding our bodies of these toxins, so accumulation does not become a health issue.
Most of the organs of function have to focused on getting rid of and eliminating toxins. Internally, we have intracellular mechanisms to eliminate toxins and clean up so that your body can detoxify.
You don’t do it, its body that does it. It’s a self-cleaning oven. The switch is turned on and it cleans itself. This body will clean itself if you just stop feeding it.
If you don’t stop feeding it, it can’t clean itself and you will accumulate toxins quickly. The accumulation of the toxins over time will develop these things called, sickness, aging, and early premature death.
We’re supposed to be living to 120 years of age. I would like to remind everyone that the original design had us living to 912 years of age.
For those who don’t remember the original design, look in the Holy books, what’d they tell you? This guy lived 987 years, this guy lived to 940 years of age, etc. Why is that?
It is because they were eating the food that we were designed to eat. What were they eating? Go to the first book, we call it, “Genesis”. There are other names for it.
In Israel, they call it the “Pentateuch” by Moses. Go to the first book, chapter 1, verse 29, and read it. What does it say? It says “I give you every fruit which has a seed and every plant bearing seed that’s on the whole face of the earth. For you, it shall be meat. For you, it shall be food.”
Why Body Detoxification is Important if Maintaining Health is your Goal
What it did not say was steam for 20 minutes. It did not say when microwaved, do not use metal. Those were not there. I’ve read it a few times, I just don’t remember seeing that part.
When people were eating according to that diet, what happened? They lived to the age of 900 or longer. Why aren’t we living this long today?
Remember the big flood, and the guy named Noah? What did he start doing? He got permission to feed the people what? Dead animals.
They started eating dead animals and what happened? They died young and within five generations they were living with a decreased lifespan of 120 years.
And then came the rules. There was halal and kosher, but all these are rules were for plan B. This is not plan A. Plan A was to eat the plants and don’t cook them because I made him perfect.
Guess what? I made tomatoes not tomato soup. And I didn’t make a mistake. You’re making a mistake by turning on the oven.
Do you think God messed up? Where’s the lycopene? How come they are no lycopene trees? How come there are no vitamin C trees? Oh, I guess we don’t need just one single nutrient?
I guess if we eat the tomato, it’s got lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin A, carotenes, and fiber. Also, the seeds have Amygdalin. As said by Hippocrates, “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This is it. There is no other medicine.
The post Why Body Detoxification Is Important appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Easy Ketogenic Meal Plan
Watch on YouTube here: Easy Ketogenic Meal Plan
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Our Health Is Our Birthright
Our health is our birthright and should never be taken for granted!
We are not taught anything about health in schools, instead what is taught is sickness management. Our health is our birthright and it is up to each individual to put yourself first.
The key piece of maintaining good health is nutrition. And, when dealing with cancer a vegan ketogenic diet works incredibly well in healing people heal from it.
There are apps that can help you with building vegan ketogenic recipes to follow or you can customize them yourselves although it can be quite intricate. When you visit us at An Oasis of Healing, you benefit from our expertise in this area as we make the food for you and give you the recipes.
Trust us when we say, these vegan ketogenic diet has recipes that are mouthwatering, and you will love and look forward too. It can be quite delicious when you find what you like.
The amount of time between meals is also important as you want to stay in ketosis while going through your alternative cancer treatments. It is a cycle as you don’t want to be on a ketogenic diet indefinitely.
Our Health is Our Birthright and Only You Can Take Control of It
You would be looking at roughly 6 weeks on a vegan ketogenic diet and then switch to 12 weeks on a regular clean organic vegan diet. Then on a strict keto diet, you are not getting all the nutrients you need as it’s focus is on beating cancer so it’s important to cycle.
Our goal is to give you back your health as our health is our birthright! We lost this being born into today’s society and pure ignorance. It’s important to understand, you can get it back, but you have to work at it.
It’s worth the work as your health is everything. You need to become a master of you! Get your master’s degree in you. On the oracle of Delphi where Socrates went, it said, “know thy self”. Why know thy self?
Because if you know you, you know everyone. There is only one of you in the Universe. When people are saying “I” and not “I am a woman, I am a man, I am a mother, I am a father, I am a friend, etc., just the “I”, that “I” that is you is the same “I” that is me.
There’s only one “I” and that is the same “I” that is God. Everything else is just ornaments.
The post Our Health Is Our Birthright appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Why Do We Need The Sun
Watch on YouTube here: Why Do We Need The Sun
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
What Does The Sun Do For Humans
What does the sun do for humans, it keeps us in the proper rhythm needed to function optimally.
When asked what does the sun do for humans, we have to look at our relationship with the sun and light. What we find is that there are two types of creatures on this planet that crawl, walk and fly around.
These two types are diurnal and nocturnal. They have two different physiologies. The light comes in through the optic nerve and goes through the super chiasmic nucleus and off to the pineal gland.
The pineal gland makes hormones like melatonin. Humans are diurnal. Nocturnal creatures are awake at night, they eat at night and they are active at night. Humans are the exact opposite.
Humans diurnal rhythm is with the sun. Between the sun and the earth, humans have this rhythm that is unchangeable and non-negotiable.
Our anatomy and physiology are designed to work with this rhythm. Light is essential, it is as important as oxygen. If you look around the entire Universe what you’ll find is everything exists in cycles.
On earth, we have seasons. Everything is a cycle, for example, the birth-death cycle. When we look up at the stars and the constellations we find out they work in cycles.
Everything is interconnected. This is why the sun affects us the way it does. People that live above a certain latitude or below can be affected by the seasonal affective disorder.
What does the sun do for humans, it keeps us in the circadian rhythm
Each organism has a set of functions they are supposed to perform in this whole thing called nature and in a specific niche. This is called a biological niche.
As an example of this, if we put a tuna fish into a freshwater lake, perhaps it would survive but not really well. If you took a Polar Bear and put him on the equator, he’s going to have problems.
If you put a Gorilla is Alaska without a Zoo and he’s in trouble. Each organism is designed to perform their set of functions without their specific niche and not outside of it.
Now, the earth is titled and spinning at a little over 1,000 miles per hour. This is what gives us our circadian rhythm. Where do humans belong on the earth? We belong in the subequatorial zones.
This is the environment from which we arose and is where we would achieve optimal functioning. What is in this environment? Lush plants, blue skies, plenty of sunlight and water. It would take about an hour a day to take care of our survival needs.
When is this beautiful, lush environment with delicious fruit everywhere a human would never be tempted to eat an animal? There would be no desire to do so.
Were you aware that Pythagoras, Socrates, Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were all vegetarians? That’s kind of a cool club to belong to, right? I think they knew a thing or two.
The post What Does The Sun Do For Humans appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Can The Body Heal Itself From Anything?
Can the body heal itself from anything, absolutely, the body was designed to heal!
It’s important that a person know that they will heal. So, can the body heal itself from anything, yes it can, as long as the right path is followed.
Getting cancer is a second chance that God is providing. It’s a reminder that the path the person is on is not as long as it should be and some changes need to be made.
What’s amazing to realize is that not everyone gets a tap on the shoulder. It is truly an anointing. If people were to welcome this blessing, healing from cancer, has, can and will happen.
At An Oasis of Healing, there are people who years later let us know that being diagnosed with cancer ended up being the best thing to happen to them. They explained to us that they achieved their full potential as a result of their experience with cancer.
They were able to achieve their true potential and at the same time, they were inspiring everyone around them. What happened was they became a beacon for all those around them. People close to them wanted to be just like them.
Everyone who goes through this becomes almost evangelical in sharing their experience with healing from cancer. They have become enlightened and continue sharing with people they meet. It is truly a blessing.
Can the Body Heal itself from anything, absolutely, given the right path if followed!
I have been affected by cancer on a very personal level, so this is not said lightly. Unfortunately, I saw my mother, fiancé, and my uncle all die from cancer. My perspective isn’t from a distant. It really is a psycho-spiritual happening.
Consider this as well, I have two children, a son who is 25 and a daughter who is 23. They are both very healthy and extremely smart. They have never, ever eaten an animal. From this, I have to conclude that people don’t need to eat animals.
Sure, it may taste good, so go monkey brains and bull testicles but people really don’t need to eat them. Now, since people don’t need to eat animals, here’s a question, then why are they eating it?
Is the answer because it tastes good? What this means, in essence, is that people are sanctioning the slaughter of an innocent animal for your pleasure. People don’t need it, it’s just pleasure.
People don’t have to be vegans to be healthy, some animal products can be eaten. Veganism is a philosophy, it’s a way of life, to do no harm. To pass your way on earth doing as little harm as possible while doing as many things to help people as possible.
In the end, this is a person’s legacy. A legacy is not what you have accumulated in life, it is who you were.
Bottom line, the human body was made to heal. The body is healing every second of every day. If people learned to stay out of their own way, their bodies would heal. We use integrated cancer therapies and metabolic medicine to assist people in healing.
The post Can The Body Heal Itself From Anything? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Fasting Insulin Level Below Three
People should strive for a fasting insulin level below three and then maintain it.
People who are healthy and don’t live in a major city are in the perfect position for proper brain wave function. These people will alternate between delta, theta and alpha and back again. This helps keep their fasting insulin level below three. At or below three is where people need to be.
For those who reside in tropical areas, eating delicious organic vegetables and fruits daily as well as not having to go to a place of business have this delta, theta and alpha brainwave pattern.
Going from delta to theta to alpha is healthy and is how everyone needs to live. Sadly, as the majority of people in the US live in major cities, most people don’t live like in the modern era. The life people live today starts with the alarm clock shocking us awake and sends us from delta to beta which puts people in a state of anxiety.
People wake from a sound sleep to pop up out of bed! This translates into pure anxiety. This waking up abruptly is followed by drinking coffee which will keep people in beta.
Most people have hectic days pushing their way through them, sitting in traffic and usually suffer some setbacks. All of this is what keeps people in beta.
Bedtime rolls around and instead of having a chance to unwind, they go right from beta to delta. There was no opportunity to unwind through theta.
A Fasting Insulin Level Below Three Takes Care of Heart Attacks, Diabetes, and Cancer!
Theta and alpha are both missed as people stayed on the delta-beta ride through the entire day. Then, the following morning, the alarm clock sounds, and the pattern is repeated over and over.
The result of this is having cortisol and adrenaline produced which is what is called “stress”. The insulin-glucose metabolism goes crazy and elevates. This puts people into a hyperglycemic state where they remain for the balance of the day.
What causes people who don’t eat to have elevated levels, simply put, it’s stress. Doctors today are now calling this Metabolic Syndrome “X”. Metabolic Syndrome X is everything which tells us that the insulin-glucose dynamic becomes the underlying pathology for heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and cancer.
This is really a good thing to know because if a person can get their fasting insulin level below three and maintain it, this will help in preventing the conditions just mentioned.
What’s important to understand here is beyond eating a clean, healthy diet, it’s also about mindset and what you think about. Remaining in the delta-beta state continuously will contribute to weight gain and shuts off growth and healing.
It puts a person into the fight or flight state and it stops getting blood flow to your organs and healing is prevented.
The post Fasting Insulin Level Below Three appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Fasting Insulin Level Of Three
Watch on YouTube here: Fasting Insulin Level Of Three
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Ways To Resist Temptation
The Best Ways To Resist Temptation and Help Avoid The Wrong Path
Let’s review some the best ways to resist temptation. What people would find out by going to sleep at night as the sun is going down, is when they wake up they will feel amazing!
After a proper night’s sleep, people will find that many things have been restored. The human body worked while you slept and was busy cleaning all the things that needed to be. People most likely experienced dreams while they slept and woke up feeling great.
The best way to start each day which will help people steer clear of even the toughest temptations is the following these three simple things. Do these things as soon as you wake up in the morning.
Take just 5 to 15 minutes to meditate upon waking.
Following meditation choose books to read that are based on health, wellness, and healing. Remember to read books that explain how the body works and stay away from reading books on disease. Disease doesn’t exist, it is simply the absence of health.
The reason it’s important to read first thing in the morning after you meditate, even for fifteen minutes, is because your mind is fresh and you don’t have the weight of the day on your mind. Reading for just fifteen minutes in the morning is the same as reading for 90 minutes at night.
Solid Ways to Resist Temptation and Keep on a Healthy Path
People in college who went to bed early before an exam and woke up far earlier than everyone else has a tremendous advantage. Their mind is fresh in the morning over those who stay up a good part of the night where their focus isn’t good and have to drink a lot of coffee for clarity.
Next up, exercise. It’s important to get your body in motion and work up a sweat. Whether it be from walking, hiking, biking, rowing, it doesn’t matter, choose what you like so you stay with it and get your sweat on!
Alternate certain days of the week where some focus on cardio and others on resistance training. Both are important in terms of exercise. Put in enough effort to create a sweat, that is where a benefit is achieved.
These are the ways to resist temptation which will help you in staying far away from the things you know that tempt you. Do doing these three things in the morning, you have cared for your spirit, your mind, and your body.
You will now be leaving the house in the morning wearing your armor so to speak which will put you on the best path to have a healthy day and avoid temptation. Then throughout the course of your day when you’re out and about and encounter what would normally be a temptation and it is not even a second thought.
You can now easily drive by a McDonald’s or a Dunkin Donuts, etc. and not feel the slightest temptation and keep right on driving.
The post Ways To Resist Temptation appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Ways To Resist Temptation
Watch on YouTube here: Ways To Resist Temptation
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYu61175aI-xV-U4_vtGE5A/videos
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Why Do We Need Plants To Live?
Why do we need plants to live because everything starts with them!
Plants like what humans don’t. They like it when we die because they love our corpse. They love when we have a bowel movement. So, why do we need plants to live, because we live off of them.
Human waste is a plants nourishment. And, in turn, plants are our nourishment. It turns out to be a beautiful, perfect cycle. Humans breathe out CO2 as waste and plants take it in.
Plants thrive off of CO2, sunlight, and water, that’s all they need. Everything made from carbon came from CO2. When we look at a giant Redwood tree that’s 400 ft. tall and then you realize that 99.9% of that massive, solid tree came from the air.
Einstein said that people can look at life as either boring or amazing, it’s all in your perspective. Have you ever watched a child looking at anything? They are amazed by life. Adults lose this and become jaded.
Why is it that children learn faster than adults? Children learn quickly because they have no agenda. They have no explanation of “how it should be”. Instead, they see it how it is.
That’s why kids can learn different languages at a faster rate. Just by being around someone speaking a different language, they are able to pick it up quickly.
Kids are in a state of non-judgment. Nothing is good or bad to them, it just is what it is which is the state of awe or bliss. Al animals when they are not engaging in survival or reproductive activities are in awe.
Why do we need Plants to Live because they provide the Nourishment Humans Need to Thrive
Animals don’t interpret or judge. There is no such thing as “it should be”. Should “isn’t”, “could be” isn’t, “will be” isn’t, “was” isn’t. The majority of humans live in the world of “I could have, I should have”, etc.
In India, they call this illusion. None of this is real, what is real is “what is”. And, it’s impossible to know what is, a person can only experience it. Turn off your mind and experience it.
That’s where are plants live, that’s where all animals live and that’s where God lives. They all live in the one thing that is real and that is “right now” at this very moment.
Everything else is illusion and fantasy. What two people think that happened yesterday, even if they were together at the same place, are always different.
That’s why we have lawyers. The whole she said, no he said thing. Yesterday is debatable, tomorrow is definitely debatable and then all the other stuff just isn’t.
Everyone already knows all of this, it’s just that we have stopped thinking about it since we were kids.
The post Why Do We Need Plants To Live? appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.