Thursday, October 26, 2017

Cancer Is Not A Death Sentence

Cancer Is Not A Death SentenceCancer is not a death sentence, it’s a wake-up call!

The fact is people need to get really sick in order to figure out what to do. Some of the best teachers and the blessings in our lives are the “diseases” we get and the suffering we go through. It’s through our suffering that we wake up. It’s so important for people to know that cancer is not a death sentence, it is a warning to let us know we need to correct our current lifestyle.

It’s important to realize that if you do have cancer, this is not a death sentence! It is a wakeup call, that’s all. If you do wake up and do what is being asked of you, you’re are not only going to resolve the cancer, you’re going to become an inspiration to everyone you love.

People you love, your family and friends are going to say, wow, I want to do what you are doing. People will comment on how amazing you look, and they want to look that way too. If you understand that this is a wakeup call and rise to the occasion, then you actually become happy. I have had many people tell me over the last many years how cancer was the best thing that ever happened to them.

The cancer woke them up from this crazy hypnotic state we as humans seem to be in continually. The excessive and poor eating, the drinking, the smoking abusing our bodies. People treat their cars better than their bodies. Could you imagine buying a nice new car and then never changing the oil? No, of course not, but yet, people treat their bodies like a dumping ground. They never take the time to detox and cleanse and clean out the gunk.

Cancer is not a Death Sentence Health Restoration is Possible

The paradox is people expect their body to function at a high level and to never give them any issues, yet they treat their bodies like it’s a junkyard. It’s insane how people think this way and have a total lack of disrespect for their health.

They believe somehow that what they are putting in their mouth has nothing to do with their current state of health. This couldn’t be further from the truth and is the reason why cancer is the largest pandemic in human history.

Reversing this pandemic is within our control but it all starts with our diet and changing our lifestyle. Food is meant to fuel our body and should be consumed with this in mind. It is not meant to just please our tongues. All major health conditions; cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, these are all tied to what we are putting in our mouths. However, most physicians are too busy writing out prescriptions and don’t even think or ask about diet when with their patients.

The entire medical system is backwards and focuses on managing “sickness” and not health. It’s going to be up to humanity to take control of their health because their doctor and nor the government can be counted on for this. An Oasis of Healing helps with restoring people’s health and addressing the root causes of their health conditions. We also teach you this lifestyle during the time you are with us so you can take it home with you and maintain that lifestyle.

The post Cancer Is Not A Death Sentence appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Exercise During Cancer Treatment

Exercise During Cancer TreatmentExercise during cancer treatment supports the immune system which is needed during this time.

The answer is yes, exercise helps support and boost the immune system, especially exercise with oxygen therapy. And, we are not talking about intense exercise like that needed to compete in America Ninja Warrior. We are talking about moderate physical activity that engages muscles, boosts your heart rate and gets the blood pumping.

In the past, people with cancer have been told to reduce their physical activity by their doctors. However, the latest research on the subjects reveals that exercise is safe and helps improve the quality of life of people with cancer over time. On the other hand, too much rest may lead to weak muscles, loss of body functions, and a reduced range of motion.

That is why the majority of health care providers are requesting their patients to become physically active during cancer treatments. This article provides information on exercise and cancer treatments.

There are many ways that physical activity can help a person during cancer treatments. Here are some of the benefits of exercise during cancer treatments.

Lessen nausea
Lessen symptoms such as tiredness

Make the patient less dependent on others for his/her daily living
Lower the risk of falls by improving the balance of the patient
Improve the bodily functions of the person with cancer
Lower the risk of osteoporosis
Lower the risk of depression and anxiety
Lower the risk of heart diseases
Improve the blood circulation of the person and reduce the risk of blood clots
Help the patient control his/her weight
Improve the overall quality of life of the person
Improve the ability of the person to keep in touch with their friends and family
Improve the self-esteem of the person dealing with cancer

Exercise during Cancer Treatment is a Good Combination

Although there are many advantages of physical activity during cancer treatments, a person’s exercise regimen should consist of workouts that are safe and ideal for that individual. It should be tailored according to the physical issues that limit your movements.

There are other factors that can affect the person’s ability to workout on a regular basis. Some of them include the fitness level, stage of cancer, and type of treatment of the person dealing with cancer.

If you exercised a lot before treatment, you might have to reduce the frequency and intensity of the exercise regimen. On the other hand, if you have been very sedentary in the past, you may have to start with low-intensity short activities such as slow walks.

For older patients who suffer from osteoporosis or arthritis, safety and balance should be considered when devising the right exercise regimen for them. This will help reduce the risk of falls and injuries over time.

Most people with cancer can have better results with an exercise specialist. In fact, you need to get your health care provider’s okay first before deciding to hire a qualified and experienced exercise specialist to devise the right workout plan for you.

The exercise specialist who works with you should know about your cancer diagnosis and treatments when devising the right exercise plan for you. These are important things to consider when designing a professional exercise program for a person with cancer.

In conclusion, although people with cancer have been told to reduce their physical activities in the past, the latest research reveals otherwise. Physical activity helps the people with cancer recover faster. At An Oasis of Healing, we have several forms of exercise designed specifically for each person in order to maximize their individual results.

Original article shared on the An Oasis of Healing website.

The post Exercise During Cancer Treatment appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Treatment For Chronic Fatigue And Fibromyalgia

Treatment For Chronic Fatigue And FibromyalgiaTreatment for chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia that addresses the root cause of the health condition.

And, that root cause is simply a malfunction in the body as a result of operating outside of the laws of nature. If you you meet somebody who has chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, you find out that these conditions are not “entities”. These conditions are not “things”. There isn’t one thing that is a disease. Disease is not a thing, it is a myth. Healthy fats is the best natural treatment for chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

The myth of disease is such that even if you think you have a disease, you are already playing the Allopathic game.  This is conventional medicines paradigm. If they say you have a disease, then they offer a cure by use of harsh chemicals that destroy the body and the immune system.

Conventional medicine has you once you buy into this myth. They have many diseases and each disease has a specific diagnosis and then a specific cure. Their supposed cures all require the use of poisonous chemicals that usually lead to other health crisis’s in the body.

Then they funnel you to the guys in the white coats where they want to administer the cure to get rid of this disease. This model is pure madness! This is their trap and they ensnare people in it daily!

Another example of this madness is when people are finally given a “diagnosis” and they are so happy to receive it. Let’s take a look at the meaning of the word diagnosis. Dia means to separate and “nosis” means no. Lots of money in Allopathic medicine is spent on giving their diseases names.

These names they apply to their diseases are just as crazy. For example, syndrome X. What is metabolic syndrome X? They say it’s when you have belly fat, high blood pressure and glucose problems. What does this mean? They say, it’s a condition or disease.

What’s the difference between a syndrome and a disease? They can’t answer that question. It’s all confusing and makes no sense. Hypertension or high blood pressure is the body responding to an unfavorable circumstance. That circumstance is increasing the blood pressure to maintain the proper blood flow.

High blood pressure happens because the body is doing what is required to keep people alive and functioning. It has to maintain the proper blood flow in order to prevent strokes or a heart attack.

Understanding this, is the problem the increase in blood pressure, no, because that is saving your life. The problem is what caused the arteries to become plugged in the first place. The body is simply doing what it has to do to keep you alive.

The most likely cause of this problem is diet. Eating cheeseburgers and pizza and clogging one’s arteries are most likely the true cause of increased blood pressure. You can see, this isn’t a disease, it’s an eating problem. The rise in blood pressure is the symptom, not a disease.

The high blood pressure is the result of the body doing something to maintain its functional integrity because it’s in an unfavorable situation. The Allopathic model is trying to convince you to get rid of the high blood pressure and not the real problem, the diet!

Treatment for Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Interview explained in detail

When we look at chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia in the Allopathic world, they fall under the American Academy of Rheumatology.  Rheumatologists are the ones that diagnose and treat rheumatic diseases which are considered joint diseases.

These Rheumatologists deal with auto immune diseases like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. They have certain criteria, like a checklist. If a person ticks off “x” number of the criteria, then they qualify to be treated. What are the items on this checklist or the criteria, they are the symptoms, not the actual problem.

These symptoms involve pain, depression, mood issues and fatigue.

What is the treatment for chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia from the Rheumatologists? They are usually symptomatic. They address only the symptoms and do nothing to address the root cause.

What are chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia conditions? They are conditions that have affected the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the part of the cell that produce energy. They are very efficient.

They take one molecule of glucose and six molecules of oxygen and put them together inside the mitochondria and run them through the electron transport and come out with 36 to 38 ATP’s which are energy packages. We have to maintain this energy to function optimally.

Mitochondria are very easily damaged and if enough become damaged, you become fatigued. All of these conditions or diseases in the Allopathic world involve fatigue. If a person doesn’t have energy, it’s impossible to change your PH. If your PH in your body is acidic, this corresponds to pain or fibromyalgia.

I think you can start to see how this is all connected and is simply the body malfunctioning because of our diet, our environment, lack of exercise, poor sleep habits, etc.

The treatment for chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia in helping to restore normal functioning and alleviate the known symptoms are to consume healthy fats for a period of time where the symptoms are no longer present. Then, pull back on the amount of healthy fat to a lower to more moderate level to maintain normal functioning.

Healthy Fats to consume in treatment for Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

Hemp seeds, flax seeds and chia seeds all have the proper ratio of omega 3 and 6’s needed from healthy fats. Avocado’s, coconut oil, walnut oil and sunflower oil are examples of other healthy fats with proper ratios.

The goal is to change the fats in your body for a solid 6 months. This will allow the body to hold enough energy so it can heal whatever it needs to from cancer to chronic fatigue to fibromyalgia to crohn’s disease, etc.


The post Treatment For Chronic Fatigue And Fibromyalgia appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Is Fibromyalgia A Disease

Watch on YouTube here: Is Fibromyalgia A Disease

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What Does Wheatgrass Do For You

What Does Wheatgrass Do For YouWhat does wheatgrass do for you and why you should be consuming it regularly.

Below is a rundown of the four most important benefits of wheatgrass. What does wheatgrass do for you is illustrated here in this article. These four vital benefits of wheatgrass are only a small representation of the total health benefits that would take pages to show.

It Alkalizes the body and creates better absorption of nutrients

Wheatgrass creates amazing benefits in helping alkalize the body.  It also helps increase the absorption of key nutrients. Nutrients such as vitamin E, electrolytes and vitamin C. If your goal is to prevent cancer as well as other diseases from developing in your body, then focusing on creating an alkaline environment is vital.

Acidosis, which is the result of having elevated levels of acid, is prominent today in our society. There are many factors that contribute to acidosis, the two main reason are environmental toxicity and consuming highly processed foods. Acidic environments in the body allow cancer and all diseases to thrive. However, there is no cancer or disease in an alkaline environment.

Chlorophyll is the primary reason that allows wheatgrass to prevent acidosis. It has been proven that chlorophyll helps naturally balance the pH level of the body as well as protect cells. Consuming chlorophyll helps facilitate anti-aging effects such as youthful skin and weight management.

Wheatgrass Reduces Damage from Free Radicals

One of the benefits wheatgrass has is excellent antioxidant capabilities that help neutralize free radicals. It can lower oxidation or free radical damage. It also reduces aging and the contribution to the development of disease.

There are studies that have shown that wheatgrass significantly inhibits the lipid peroxidation with the liver as well as protecting the mitochondria within the cells. This is also linked to reduced levels of inflammation as well as a reduced risk for cancer, heart disease and liver disease.

The antioxidant levels or ORAC scores of many of the superfoods as shown by research has wheatgrass outpacing the majority of all vegetables or extracts. Research conducted by the Pharmacology department at the Medical College in India, Gajara Raja shows the following antioxidants in wheatgrass are present; flavonoids, triterpenoids, phenolic compounds, sulfonic acid, alkaloids, tannins, saponins and anthraquinol.

What does Wheatgrass do for You and your Immune System

Boosting Immunity and Cancer Prevention

Wheatgrass has demonstrated through recent studies anti-cancer potential. It is able to do this through its ability to induce apoptosis. Apoptosis is the normal and natural death of a cell.

Research conducted by the Palliative Care Unit in Israel’s Integrative Oncology department show wheatgrass used in holistic treatments for cancer have been effective towards cancer prevention.  It helps support our bodies immune function. This includes the regulation of immunological activity as well as helping to neutralize the oxidative stress contributing to the mutation of cells.

Wheatgrass has also been shown to reduce the side effects of conventional chemotherapy treatments. The side effects include deficiencies, fatigue and malabsorption.

Reducing High Cholesterol Naturally

Wheatgrass supports the heart and blood vessels. It has shown to be effective in the treatment of hyperlipidemia. This helps reduce high cholesterol levels as well as triglyceride levels.

People who visit our healing center, An Oasis of Healing, start on a 21-day juice feast and are given shots of wheatgrass daily as well. It has tremendous anti-cancer and healing benefits.

Green juicing and wheatgrass are just one facet of our comprehensive cancer care program. Contact us directly if you or a loved one are dealing with cancer, we can help.

The post What Does Wheatgrass Do For You appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

What Does Wheatgrass Do For You

Watch on YouTube here: What Does Wheatgrass Do For You