Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Alternative Healing Modalities Do No Harm To The Body

alternative healing modalitiesWe use integrated alternative healing modalities as a part of our comprehensive cancer care program.

The three parts of our cancer care program consist of the following. We start with teaching people how to stop making cancer. Secondly, we use alternative healing modalities to target and eliminate the cancer and thirdly, we stimulate the immune system.

Some of the alternative healing modalities or treatments we use are insulin potentiated low dose chemo when necessary. It’s important to understand with IPT, even though it includes chemotherapy drugs, it is highly targeted and represents only 5-10% of a typical conventional chemotherapy treatment.

We use high dose intravenous vitamin c therapy as well as high dose intravenous sodium selenite. We also use oxidative therapies such as ozone, intravenous hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet blood irradiation. Electromagnetic frequency generators are also used to help harmonize and synchronize the magnetic flux of the body. We are electromagnetic beings.

Ozone is O3 and oxygen is O2. If ozone was added to blood and you move it around gently, you’ll find that the blood will turn bright red because two O3’s become three O2’s and you increase the oxygenation. Another benefit of this is the IL-2 is stimulated. IL-2 is a very important anti-inflammatory called interleukin.

You can go to the pharmacy and buy a vile of interleukin for $8,000 or you can make your own from an ozone treatment. The high doses of intravenous vitamin c get into the cells and starts to produce hydrogen peroxide. Healthy cells are used to hydrogen peroxide and have the enzymes to neutralize it and use it for good.

Alternative Healing Modalities Are Effective And Have Zero Toxicity

Cancers cells don’t have the enzymes to get rid of the hydrogen peroxide and so they die.  Vitamin C therapy is the perfect natural chemotherapy because it’s good for the healthy cells and causes the bad cells or cancer cells to die off.

Sodium Selenite produces the superoxide enzyme. Healthy cells have superoxide dismutase and they neutralize the superoxide enzyme, cancer cells do not and they die off. So, these alternative healing modalities are very effective against cancer and they have zero toxicity.

We reserve the IPT or insulin potentiation therapy treatments for people who have cancers that are pretty advanced. There are a lot of factors that figure into what we do for each person. We make sure the right treatments and therapies are used for a particular person’s situation so if provides the best opportunity for healing.

Give our healing center, An Oasis of Healing, a call directly if you or a loved one have cancer and you are not sure where to begin. We can go over everything with you and provide a step by step process that will put your mind at ease.

You will be an active participant at our center so when you go back home, you will have all the tools and resources to continue the same lifestyle at home. Remember, the lifestyle that helped you heal from cancer is also required to prevent it from returning.

The post Alternative Healing Modalities Do No Harm To The Body appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Person With Cancer Versus A Cancer Patient

a person with cancerWe look at it as a person with cancer compared to someone who is a cancer patient.

The idea of the word “patient” implies that someone has a passive role and is not as smart as us because we are the doctors and we know. It implies that a person with cancer is not educated and that model just doesn’t fit our comprehensive cancer care program.

The relationship in this model of doctor and patient implies disease and cure. One of the things we teach people at An Oasis of Healing is that you can’t purchase a cure but you can earn your health.

One of the most important things we want to inspire people to do before they leave our healing center is to be readers and never stop reading. If you are a reader, it doesn’t matter if you are one hundred percent raw because through the course of your reading, you will become raw.

You will come to understand through your reading that eating raw just makes sense. Start reading about veganism and a person will see that the data is pretty clear. We inspire people to fall in love with learning.

When a person with cancer comes to visit us here at our center, they are welcomed with a congratulation and that we are glad you made it. They tell us their war stories of their surgery or surgeries, the radiation and chemotherapy treatments and the horrendous things that happened to their health.

A Person With Cancer Plays An Active Role With Us

We always see that glimmer in their eye when they arrive. The only requirement we have here is that the person wants to live. If you want to live, we will be with you the entire way helping to restore your health and introduce you to a new beginning in your life.

What we are seeing is that most people, roughly 70-80% of the people who visit us who are in dire straits leave us with little to no cancer. Now, if they are to remain that way, that’s up to them. We provide people with the knowledge to do so, it is up to them to continue to life that lifestyle.

Suppose someone comes to us with lung cancer and we get them to quit smoking and help restore their health. Then, nine months later they start smoking again, no one would be shocked if the lung cancer came back.

The education in our society supports the expected response from people when a person starts smoking again and the cancer comes back. It’s not a surprise based on the knowledge and education people have received on the effects of smoking.

Now, in comparison, unfortunately the same level of education is just not there when it comes to eating and food. People just don’t know or realize that eating is far worse than smoking when it comes to cancer.

There are more deaths caused by the way we eat than by all the wars, ever. It’s a very sad fact.

The post A Person With Cancer Versus A Cancer Patient appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Prognosis Of Cancer Clarified

prognosis of cancerI’m here to tell you that a prognosis of cancer does not define the length of time one has left on this earth.

A prognosis of cancer is when a medical doctor tells you a likely outcome of your condition. Look at the prognosis for arthritis for example. In most cases if you go to a regular medical doctor they will say that you will always have it and the best we can do is make it as painless as possible.

A prognosis of cancer is where the medical doctor tells you how long you are going to live. Between surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, surgery is the only one that is considered a cure in the conventional medical world.

The medical world calls chemotherapy an adjuvant or accessory as well as the radiation to the surgery. Let’s say there were one hundred people who had cancer that went to MD Anderson, Dana Farber, Sloane Kettering, John Hopkins or any large cancer institution in a given month. The doctors will tell each of them what they can do for them.

Eighty percent of people will do what the doctors at those large institutions have told them to do and twenty percent will not. Now, those doctors will never see the twenty percent ever again. How do those doctors have any data on the twenty percent that left and wanted nothing to do with those harsh treatments?

A Prognosis of Cancer Does Nor Determine Your Expiration Date

They don’t have any data and they don’t know what will happen to those people in the twenty percent that walked out. This is what important to understand about a prognosis of cancer, anything that those doctors at the large institutions would say about those twenty percent of people that left would be a lie.

Whatever they say would not be based on the truth or facts of each person. The truth is we all have the same prognosis which is, we are here today by the grace of God and promised nothing. None of us have a contract for tomorrow.

What it really comes down to is today and how we are living today. The point is not to eat right and live right for ten years from now, it is to eat and live right today to feel good and function well today. We eat right today to feel better, sleep better, have more energy, have better relationships with more compassion and more love.

Everything that a person needs to be happens because of health. That’s what health is, it is not some distant thing, it is today. In terms of a prognosis of cancer, what’s important to understand about those twenty percent of people who walked away from ever doing those conventional treatments is that I know what happened.

The reason I know if because they came to see us at An Oasis of Healing and we get people on a path of healing and health restoration. I really want to dispel the concept and paradigm the conventional doctors know what’s going to happen to you tomorrow because they don’t.

The post Prognosis Of Cancer Clarified appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.