Monday, July 24, 2017

The Healing Power Of The Mind Vs The Placebo Effect

healing power of the mindLet’s look at the healing power of the mind and how the placebo effect relates.

All research for science needs to have better than a 30% effect because 30% is known as placebo. Thirty percent of people will get better no matter what you give them.

It’s that pat on the back and it’s telling them it’s going to be okay. Thirty percent is a pretty hefty number. When a report says that a certain something was found to be significantly better than something else, what they mean is it had to have statistical significance above 30%.

That is a substantial number and that’s what placebo means. In the old days, it was called the sugar pill. They had two groups. They gave the real pill or the pharmaceutical pill to one group and the sugar pill to the second group. They found that 30% of the people were getting better with the sugar pill.

Here’s the way it works. Healing is innate. It is the nature of nature. As an example, you pick an apple from a tree and next season you have two apples. You pull weeds up from the garden and then you turn around and they’re back.

You cut your hand and it heals. That is the nature of nature; to regenerate, rejuvenate and procreate. These are just examples of nature and what it will do. The only thing that blocks this are impediments. For example, what blocks water from running downhill; a dam. If you remove the dam, the water will continue to flow downhill. Since humans are psychological, spiritual and physical, our mind can often block us. And, the body will listen to the mind.

The Healing Power of the Mind Is The Fourth Pillar of our Healing Program

There was this experiment in psychology where they had people who were blindfolded pick up these glowing hot metal rods with their hands. They put the rods down and they put an ice cube in their hands and their hands shriveled up as if they had burned. However, they hadn’t been burned.

The mind is very powerful in regards to healing. We focus on the mind in our fourth pillar in our healing program. After first teaching people to stop producing cancer, then we target and eliminate it without doing harm to the body. Thirdly, we get the immune system back up and functioning properly.

It’s up the person with cancer to bring in number four; they have to know they are going to make it. This is where the healing power of the mind comes into play. How do you answer the question of “am I going to make it”? When your cutting up an apple and you slice your finger open, you don’t believe it’s going to heal, you know it will heal.

A person can only believe in something that is not true. People can believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. People don’t believe in rocks or trees. You either know about rocks and trees or you don’t. The same way the person knows that their cut is going to heal, they need to know that they will heal from cancer.

The post The Healing Power Of The Mind Vs The Placebo Effect appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Ketogenic Diet For Cancer

ketogenic diet for cancerIs there such a thing as a ketogenic diet for cancer that is effective?

There absolutely is but I believe there is a misconception in what that diet actually consists of so let’s talk about it. Let’s first discuss what a ketogenic diet for cancer should not include; animal products such as steak and prime rib. This is not how you heal from cancer.

A true ketogenic diet for cancer needs to have its foundation in fat. In fact, you need 60-70% coming from fat as part of your diet.  And, no, it’s not the Atkins diet. You can’t eat a cheese and sausage omelet with a side of bacon and expect to live a long and healthy life.

To get to 60-70% fat from a vegan diet takes a while. The good news is, we have developed many recipes and dishes that are exactly in this range. They are raw and vegan and contain 60-70% fat. You can’t achieve this randomly, it takes years of experience and knowledge. We share and teach this to people who visit An Oasis of Healing.

You must have an ability to check your ketone levels. Why is it important to know what you are doing here? If your sugar gets too low, that’s dangerous and you can also produce too many ketones. When too many ketones are produced, you can develop keto acidosis.

This is what happens to Type 1 diabetics. Type 1 diabetics who don’t have any insulin end up going into keto acidosis. It is even possible to die from this so it is not something you can take lightly. It’s important to undergo a ketogenic diet for cancer under a medical team’s supervision who knows what they are doing.

A Ketogenic Diet for Cancer Needs To Be Managed by an Experienced Medical Team

Ketones are measured a couple of times a day to keep them at a certain point as well as the PH of your urine so you stay in a balanced place. A typical ketogenic diet we conduct here at our center lasts 6 weeks. When a person leaves our center and goes home, they can continue this and do a 4-week ketogenic diet followed by 2-3 months of a healthy 80% raw, 20% cooked food diet.

What’s important to understand is when you are eating 20% cooked food as part of your diet, it’s not that you need it. You’re doing this to feed your tongue but it’s okay. It’s okay to do things to feel good, you have to. If you don’t feel good about what you’re doing, if you feel like you’re a victim or that you are deprived, that’s not good.

Feeling like this will affect your immune system in a negative way. If you think that there is a certain food that you will never be able to eat again and this makes you upset, it is not healthy. If this is the case, apply the 20% rule and use in moderation. It’s important to live in happiness.

Now, don’t make that 20% a cheeseburger! Make it some steamed broccoli and some quinoa as an example. These will taste good and please you that way but remember, they won’t have life or energy in them anymore, hence the 20% total of your diet.

Remember the purpose of food, to supply you with life’s energy so always eat the majority of that food in its natural state, raw.

The post Ketogenic Diet For Cancer appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Sun And Moon And How We Relate To Them

the sun and moonWhat is our relationship with the sun and moon?

The part of our lifestyle that we should have learned by the time we turned 18 is our relationship with the sun and moon. The sun and the moon are incredibly important to us and how we function. There are two types of creatures, nocturnal and diurnal.

Diurnal means that we awaken to the sun and we go to sleep as it sets. Our hormones are established based on being diurnal. When we live this way, we can get close to optimal functioning.

When we look at the science of these things, we know that when we got to sleep before 10:00pm, the amount of melatonin we produce is far greater than going to bed later.  Going to bed at 8:00pm is optimal.

Melatonin is made by the pineal gland and it does so many things in the body. It’s most important function is establishing the sleep cycle for us. Melatonin starts the process of getting sleepy and the eyes start to close, etc.

In addition to helping the sleep cycle, it turns out that every melatonin molecule because of its configuration, can pick up four hydroxyl radicals. These hydroxyl radicals are by products of all kinds of metabolic processes. Some of these metabolic processes occur naturally and some occur from the body fighting off toxins.

These hydroxyl radicals are potent and they accumulate. Throughout the day as we are engaged in our activities, we are accumulating many different metabolic waste products with the one big one being hydroxyl radicals.

The Sun and Moon and Us

If enough of these radicals accumulate then there is oxidative stress and chronic inflammation develops and that is what we need to stay away from. Getting proper rest and going to bed in line with the sun and moon, between 8-10pm and waking as the sun comes up goes a long way in keeping us healthy.

We all came into this world before computers and our best friend was our imagination. We could pick up a stick and that stick could be anything we wanted it to be. These days, it’s almost impossible to have an imagination.

The children aren’t allowed to have an imagination now as all these video games have all the options preset for them. They have to function within those options and they have to learn to think that way. In today’s society, children are being raised more by machines than by humans.

Our children are the first generation to interact with machines more than they do with humans. This has become “the norm” in our society.

We are land mammal primates and our food is the plant kingdom which includes, plants, fruits, nuts, seeds, the roots, etc. The most important part to learn about eating is we don’t have to eat that much function normally. The less you eat, the longer you will live and the happier you will be.

It turns out, it is best to eat one meal a day and have some fresh juices around that one meal. Just as important as optimal eating is elimination. We should all know that we need to eliminate daily. Keeping our colon clean is vital to maintaining our health.

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The post The Sun And Moon And How We Relate To Them appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Why Is Taking Medicine For Cancer Necessary

medicine for cancerTaking medicine for cancer is necessary at present because in my opinion there is a lack of faith and understanding.

Let me share why one who has faith and knowledge, requires no medicine for cancer. This story as an example of tremendous faith exhibited by an individual. A woman came to see me in June of 2001. She had stage 4 advanced cancer all over her body and a large breast mass.

She said that she didn’t want to do anything other than the lifestyle your talking about which is whole raw foods and green juicing. She didn’t want any intravenous vitamin c treatments or anything like that.

I asked if she would just come back to see me monthly so I could examine her mass and she said yes. Each time she came to see me, she was getting better and better and able to do more and more. In January of 2002, 6 months later she had an unfortunate fatal car accident.

When they did an autopsy, they found no cancer! If you were to ask her if she needed a pill, well, you know the answer. Simply amazing that there was no cancer and sad that we lost her in that car accident.

In all my experience, I have rarely met someone with that level of knowledge and faith. We are actually sitting in the “magic pill”, it’s our bodies. Our body is the magic pill and contains all the medicine we could ever need.

Our bodies magically heal. We cut it and it heals. Are you aware of anything artificially made that heals itself? How about a $20B space shuttle, a Maserati or a Stealth bomber, can they heal themselves, no they can’t.

Is Medicine for Cancer The Answer or is  it Reconnecting with Nature 

What are we looking for when we take medicine or a pill? We are looking for healing and the healing is in us. The body is always healing, we need to learn to get out of the way.

Will pharmaceuticals ever be a thing of the past? I say yes, they will. I view pharmaceuticals the same way I view snake oil salesman. The snake oil salesman used to say, take this pill or portion and it will cure what ails you. The idea that the snake oil salesman or the modern day pharmaceutical industry is the answer is crazy, neither one works.

And, this is how you know their model doesn’t work. If doctors knew what they were doing then hospitals would be empty today. Instead there is waiting room only!

Let’s take an example of high blood pressure. The conventional model would have you take a drug to bring it down and within normal limits. The alternative or traditional model would give you an IV of magnesium. Magnesium would lower the blood pressure immediately without any harm.

In most cases except trauma and surgery, there is a natural way to deal with these conditions. Even with heart attacks, Dr. Farr showed us that you can reverse them with hydrogen peroxide injections. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural substance that every cell makes.

Bottom line is pharmaceuticals are based on a false belief.  We are all at varying degrees away from optimal functioning. Optimal functioning of the organism is health. We need to stay as close to nature and natural methods as possible to attain and maintain health.

The post Why Is Taking Medicine For Cancer Necessary appeared first on Dr Thomas Lodi.